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General Discussion » The Midderlands » 3/03/2018 12:12 pm

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The PDF of this book is on sale right now on RPGnow. Does it have enough useable things for ASSH if I don't intend to use the setting?
Could you use towns, Monsters, npcs, etc. to drop into other S&S campaigns?

General Discussion » Alignment in your game » 2/24/2018 11:18 pm

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Nice breakdown!

I go a little more with the barbarism vs civilization than strict law and chaos, and humane vs inhumane with good and evil.

General Discussion » Alignment in your game » 2/24/2018 6:40 pm

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I pretty much go with what's in the book, except I add leanings towards Law or Chaos to Neutral. After reading Brock's post, I'm thinking that this isn't really needed. I agree that most people tend toward's Neutral. 
I do like alignment as a roleplaying tool.

Campaign » Side Treks » 2/24/2018 6:37 pm

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I like to run my campaigns sort of like a videogame. I'll have a grand campaign arc of sorts, and then little side "quests" that the PC's can choose to invest in or not. I usually make these side quests more personal or character driven. So, an assassination for the assassin, maybe a wanted criminal for the huntsman, some black market intrigue or political stuff, a magical artifact or lost ruin rumor, etc. Or, if a character has some ongoing background/personal thing, I'll drop something about that into the stew.

Sorcery » Spell Recovery » 2/21/2018 12:58 pm

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@Jimm.Iblis - Ha! Great breakdown of Thugra Khotan's fate.

Sorcery » Spell Recovery » 2/20/2018 1:02 pm

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Sorcerers in Sword and Sorcery don't die because of spell failure or corruption, they die because Conan.

Sorcery » Spell Recovery » 2/20/2018 12:07 pm

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Slightly off topic, but this is one of the things that annoys the crap out of me when new fangled games say they "fixed" spell casting to be more "Sword and Sorcery". You can't get much more Sword and Sorcery than this old system. Sorcerers in those stories often rely on bodyguards, monsters, tricks, traps, alchemy, and trained "pets" to build their reputation and survive while they cast a couple actual spells.

Music » Inspiring Metal Music » 2/15/2018 12:43 am

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Omen's album Battle Cry is the most medieval album I've ever heard.
Battle Cry-

Be my Wench-

Beyond that album, early Slayer, Kreator, and Celtic Frost are some go to inspirational listening for me.

General Discussion » Introduction Thread » 2/08/2018 12:24 am

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Welcome Kradonus!
You're research led you to an awesome game!

Television and Film » Conan TV series » 2/06/2018 11:48 am

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If it is at least as good as the 82 film, I'll be pretty happy. I'm hoping for something even better.

Casting Conan is going to be really important, and the whole thing will be ruined if they try to make the series overly politically correct or safe.

Television and Film » Conan TV series » 2/05/2018 10:01 pm

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Amazon is making a Conan the Barbarian TV series! They are closely basing it on the original Robert E Howard stories. I have a lot of questions, but mostly I'm excited. The creative team seems very capable.

Adventures » Dwellers of the Forbidden City » 2/05/2018 11:56 am

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Looking forward to seeing what you come up with. I'll post my changes to the module when I get around to reading it thoroughly.
Funny that we both decided to use it as a lead in to Forgotten Fane.

Adventures » Dwellers of the Forbidden City » 2/04/2018 8:17 pm

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Cool thread!
I have plans very close to yours. I'm using AS&SH to run a Hyborian Age campaign. The heroes are heading towards Khitai and the Eastern coast which is where I will run Forgotten Fane. On the way, in the jungles, they will encounter the Forbidden City.

(I'm running a campaign about the history of the Lemurians as they existed in Howard's Hyborian Age.)

Rules Discussion » Ran my first ASSH game last night... Question about Phased Combat » 1/30/2018 2:17 am

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My group and I were also overwhelmed by it at first. I pulled out a dry erase board and charted the two phases for everyone involved with it for a couple of combats. That really helped things come together in our heads and we realized it's as easy as Ghul described it above.
Now it's easy, and feels much more realistic than non-phased rounds.

General Discussion » Making daggers good? » 1/24/2018 7:49 pm

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Great options DMPrata. We are just starting to add more of the Advanced techniques, so I'll be sure to point those out.

General Discussion » Making daggers good? » 1/24/2018 4:19 pm

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Good Idea BA23. I've doled out some poisons in treasure already, but maybe I need to remind her that she can use some of that loot pile to buy more.

Swordsmen & Sorcerers » Looking for a Name » 1/24/2018 1:54 pm

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Lord of the Wild.
or Wild Lord.

Otherwise I like Forest Lord the best. Druid Lord would probably upset some Druids.

General Discussion » Making daggers good? » 1/24/2018 1:52 pm

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Great points all!

I was just thinking about the point Handy just made. The Assassin can carry a lot of daggers and not get weighed down. Plus, I would definitely allow her to have one or two sewn into clothing, etc., for concealing.

General Discussion » Making daggers good? » 1/24/2018 10:57 am

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BA23 - I'm in total agreement with you. I don't think Thieves and Assassins should be able to go straight up vs Fighters. Otherwise why play a Fighter class? A lot of modern games have this "eat it too" attitude, and I think it's spoiled specialized characters a bit. 
I think maybe the solution is occasionally pointing out the cool things she can do that others can't, and if that doesn't help offering a different Class.

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