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HYPERBOREA 3E » What makes it a Third Edition? » 6/18/2021 12:41 pm

Ynas Midgard
Replies: 129

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Ghul wrote:

someone trying to cut themselves out of the belly of a giant toad

These have been the most memorable times Weapon Class has come up :D

HYPERBOREA 3E » What makes it a Third Edition? » 6/14/2021 9:03 am

Ynas Midgard
Replies: 129

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Ghul wrote:

Ynas Midgard wrote:

Do I understand it correctly that first the winners of initiative do melee, then the losers, then the winners shoot missiles, then the losers, and so forth?

No, the side that wins goes first (melee, missiles, magic, movement), followed by the side that loses (melee, missiles, magic, movement).

Ah, I see.

HYPERBOREA 3E » What makes it a Third Edition? » 6/14/2021 7:46 am

Ynas Midgard
Replies: 129

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Do I understand it correctly that first the winners of initiative do melee, then the losers, then the winners shoot missiles, then the losers, and so forth?

Rules Discussion » Table 79: Calculated Encumbrance, Recalculated » 6/14/2021 6:21 am

I quite like the revised table!

Ever since we switched to digital character sheets, we've had no problems with all sorts of granular subsystems (encumbrance included); Excel is able to calculate a lot of stuff on the fly for us (although it helps that I find it enjoyable to endlessly tweak my collection of semi-automated character sheets).

HYPERBOREA 3E » What makes it a Third Edition? » 5/03/2021 9:36 am

Ynas Midgard
Replies: 129

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I am mostly curious about the changes to the monk (because one of my players loves the idea but wasn't that satisfied with the execution; still, he played a monk at least once in all our campaigns) and the combat system.

General Discussion (Off-Topic) » Anybody else ready to get back to the table? » 5/25/2020 12:48 pm

Ynas Midgard
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I absolutely prefer face-to-face gaming.
On the other hand, now I get to play in Melan's current campaign that I otherwise wouldn't be able to.
If life gives you lemons...

Adventures » Megadungeons? » 5/12/2020 11:05 am

Ynas Midgard
Replies: 39

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Party composition is the first tactical choice, and one whose import shouldn't be underestimated

(Of course, there's nothing wrong with everyone just rolling up random characters or everyone playing the class they prefer, but the game certainly rewards certain compositions through increased survival rate.)

Rules Discussion » Reversing Petrifaction » 5/11/2020 7:25 pm

Ynas Midgard
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I don't think that strictly by-the-book Dispel Magic is capable of reversing non-spell-induced petrifaction.
However, it is certainly plausible that the nearest city or private library contains information about ingredients that an alchemist could use to concoct a Stone to Flesh potion - at least that's the route I would go personally.

Maps » Encounter maps » 5/05/2020 12:27 pm

Ynas Midgard
Replies: 12

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Wow, these are great! I especially love the idea of having a picture showing the location from the outside.

I have a hard time figuring out how the Tower's levels are connected, though :/

Adventures » Megadungeons? » 4/18/2020 10:07 am

Ynas Midgard
Replies: 39

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Castle Xyntillan is superb!

I have yet to delve deep into Arden Vul - the sheer scope of it is stunning, but despite some good effort at trying to make it easier to pick up, it seems a bit too verbose. Plus, like Bryce said, maybe colour-coded maps (to indicate architectural style, maybe) would have helped. And putting more info on the maps (like, surprise, Castle Xyntillan ).

General Discussion » R.I.P. Jim Kramer » 4/16/2020 6:38 am

I'm terribly sorry to hear it

Rules Discussion » House rules and changes to rules » 2/20/2020 4:20 pm

Ynas Midgard
Replies: 64

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I think that's pretty much by the book - the only part deviating from rules-as-written is the abolishment of minimum DX to perform the maneouvre.

Rules Discussion » Combat: Order within Phases » 12/15/2019 6:23 pm

Think of it as having four steps:
1. winners of initiative perform their Phase 1 actions
2. losers of initiative perform their Phase 1 actions
3. winners of initiative perform their Phase 2 actions
4. losers of initiative perform their Phase 2 actions

Adventures » Megadungeons? » 12/02/2019 4:02 pm

Ynas Midgard
Replies: 39

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Spider of Leng wrote:

At the risk of spoiling it, the new Tegel Manor has a whole dungeon complex devoted to a cult of Tsathoggua that is worth buying it alone and is perfect for Hyperborea.

Melan once worked on a revised edition of Tegel Manor that was never published (although parts of the rewrites were repurposed for Castle Xyntillan), and parts of it - specifically the Cloister of the Frog-God - have made it into Rappan Athuk (as level 0B).

Adventures » Megadungeons? » 11/13/2019 1:38 am

Ynas Midgard
Replies: 39

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I've run Barrowmaze, Rappan Athuk, and Dwimmermount. Each has their strengths and weaknesses (Barrowmaze has the slickest room descriptions at the cost of sameness; Rappan Athuk is the most wild, but the text is meandering and the editing is bad; Dwimmermount has the most internal consistency, but there's a lot of info that needs to be internalised to make use of that). I've written about my experience about them here:

Based on reading alone, I find Anomalous Subsurface Environment and Castle Xyntillan the most fun (the latter also showcases a great style of presentation). The Darkness Beneath (the serialised megadungeon of Fight On!) is also a pretty good read, but also naturally varying in quality. The upcoming Arden Vul might be the best published megadungeon ever based on the preview material (periodically posted on MeWe) - but the proof of the pudding and all that.

Hyperborea » Proposed locations for Gillespie Megadungeons? » 11/12/2019 8:11 pm

I repurposed Barrowmaze to be part of the old necropolis in Khromarium.

General Discussion » Sandbox Adventure tools/resources suggestions » 11/06/2019 4:03 pm

I found the Tome of Adventure Design from Frog God Games to be the single most valuable supplement to any kind of D&D-esque game.

General Discussion » Weather generation app » 10/03/2019 11:41 am

Ynas Midgard
Replies: 18

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When I automated it for myself, I did it with buttons for Terrain, Year, and Latitude - any combination goes. Sample output:

Base temp is 80 F (26.67 C)
Light Breeze
Wind chill is 75 F (23.89 C)

Having an alternate set of input (i.e. location and year) is a great idea!

Swordsmen & Sorcerers » Treasure Hunter Class » 9/20/2019 12:09 am

Ynas Midgard
Replies: 24

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Since Identify can only follow a successful Appraise, it's worth noting that the chances of actually identifying magical properties is lower than the X-in-12 first indicates (with 16+ INT chances in parentheses):
Lvl 1-2 - 10.42% (16.67%)
Lvl 3-4 - 16.67% (24.31%)
Lvl 5-6 - 24.31% (33.33%)
Lvl 7-8 - 33.33% (43.75%)
Lvl 9-10 - 43.75% (55.56%)
Lvl 11-12 - 55.56% (68.75%)

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