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Announcements » HYPERBOREA: Beasts and Cannibals » 4/16/2018 3:55 pm

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Mmm, gate-foldie goodness.

Congratulations guys!

General Discussion » Ideas for a homebrew adventure (strange artifacts) » 3/27/2018 4:41 pm

Replies: 16

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Chainsaw wrote:

Ghul wrote:

This is a brilliant idea! Write this module, Josh!

Agreed! So much potential for puzzles and traps around such a device... perhaps, The Eyes of the Otherworld?

 It's tempting, but my mind is currently swimming with sunken cyclopean ruins of oceanic crypt cities.

That does remind me, pauloralves could have pale gold artifacts or summoning stones on display. These things could point players to a certain sleepy seaside town living under an ominous shadow, or even over to Dagon Bay!

I'm of like-mind with Blackadder, I enjoy setting up links to other adventures in my own games, and for this, a museum presents too good an opportunity.

Some other ideas off the top of my head:

Interesting meteorite fragments could lead to a future encounter at a crater site with a Colour out of Space, conveniently provided with stats in the rulebook.

For a little bit of Clark Ashton Smith: displayed, tattered pages believed to be from the fabled Book of Eibon could render a trail to the Caverns of Thracia  or any other possible resting place of this forbidden tome. This might lead the player characters into conflict or pursuit by Inquisitors of Yoon'Deh, who are snooping around looking to destroy these blasphemous codex fragments.

General Discussion » Ideas for a homebrew adventure (strange artifacts) » 3/23/2018 4:00 pm

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You could have a Hyperborean version of Tillinghast's Ultra-Violet device in Lovecraft's From Beyond. If the players turn it on, their characters can see inhabitants of new dimensions, and these inhabitants can now see them.

This is a great way to trigger an instant fight, surrounded by enemies, with surprise! It has the added benefit of being a good reason why an NPC has gone missing.

Announcements » HYPERBOREA: Beasts and Cannibals » 3/23/2018 2:20 pm

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More art! Victory!

Cockatrice Salad, here we come!

General Discussion » Gaming at cons » 3/17/2018 6:02 pm

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I concur with all of the above, but allow me to add a further small example:

About 5 years back at Gary Con, DMPrata went beyond what he described above. He ran Palace of the Silver Princess, and each session he ran represented a foray into the environment. Each foray would permanently impact the module for the next foray: chests would be looted, monsters slain or riled, fights left rooms blood-spatterd, etc. Presumably, had I signed up for multiple sessions, I could encounter my own character's handiwork. I immensely enjoyed this concept, and have sought similar con play ever since.

Chainsaw followed suit with Foolsgrave in Hyperborea, but added re-playable PCs to the mix!

I never quite realized that Grodog does something similar to what Prata did, but in his own Greyhawk Castle. It's recognizable only if you're lucky enough to witness repeat sections of this mega-dungeon. It's taken me over 5 years to spot this, and then only at this last Gary Con.

I can only assume this all follows Gygax's own Greyhawk model, but I don't know for certain as I never had the privilege of playing with the man.

The above examples rank among my favorite con games to date, but that's just me, I don't find story arcs as entertaining. I'm more keen on exploration.

Announcements » HYPERBOREA: Beasts and Cannibals » 3/17/2018 4:15 pm

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Backed! Well on the road to 12k.

General Discussion (Off-Topic) » Alien Con » 11/01/2016 5:07 pm

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The convention was fun! I had a good time.

Now you have my general mood, here is the gist: I've heard several fellows around here distraught with how some cons were handled in the past, but this first Alien Con would make any of your past logistical issues seem a walk in the park.

Attendees, promoter and hosts alike were stunned with the turnout. They expected more interest in the mainstream shows like Battlestar Galactica and Ridley Scott's Alien franchise, but support for Ancient Aliens dwarfed them all. I heard early estimates from a convention worker who stated roughly 12,000 people showed up for the convention.

Giorgio Tsoukalos was like a rock star, he had massive lines he couldn't work through despite signing for three hours straight on multiple days. The AA theorists were originally scheduled to speak in halls that could only seat from sixty to two-hundred people at most, so you can imagine the issues that arose when literally a thousand people showed up for a panel.

That said, I was prepared for debacle. I knew the TV show was big, I deal with it at a public level working in a library. I knew the space they were working with having helped run Fanime Con there prior to its move to San Jose Convention Center. So, I took it all in stride knowing this was their maiden voyage. Not everyone had my background though. The promoter, Cosmic Con, cobbled together a Q&A session, and took complaints/feedback from other attendees who were most rightly upset about standing in line for hours only to be blocked from their desired event. Discounts were promised for future events.

Kevin Burns, the creator of the TV show and discoverer of Tsoukalos is awesome. He's genuinely a fan of old horror and sci-fi. He now understands the exact interest level in his production. He and the promoter scrambled to get more space at the last minute to expand the conference. That's a task harder than it sounds especially with multiple conferences happening a

Announcements » Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea 2nd Edition » 10/25/2016 1:39 pm

Replies: 266

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Nice! Does that mark the first Hyperborea comic?

Announcements » Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea 2nd Edition » 10/24/2016 2:48 pm

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francisca wrote:

I am very glad that you keep sticking to your guns.  Advice of barracks rooms lawyers, navel gazers, and serial crowdfunders didn't make you the best of the best, when it comes to tabletop rpg crowdfunding.

I think it has something to do with Kickstarter/crowdfunding. It makes people feel like a producer with a say in how the end product will appear.

At the same time, I wouldn't call Jeff closed to ideas. Don't take anything personally should you suggest something he doesn't go with. Try to come up with something better, or venture out on your own, or just enjoy the game. :-D

Edit: I think I see the comment on the KS that spurred you to make the post. It's pretty inane to say "change the magic system," but I would have found more worth in the fellow's views if he said something like, "here's the magic system we use in my home campaign," and placed the rules up in these forums.

General Discussion (Off-Topic) » Alien Con » 10/22/2016 3:54 pm

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Right. I see the phenomenon as lying somewhere in a modernized valley between Weird Tales and L. Ron Hubbard's monstrosity.

Announcements » Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea 2nd Edition » 10/22/2016 1:34 pm

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Ooh, almost to the Rogue's Gallery stretch goal. I do hope a certain Yoon'Deh-hunted sorcerer makes an overdue appearance. :-)

Ia, Xathoqqua! Ia, Ghul!

General Discussion (Off-Topic) » Alien Con » 10/21/2016 4:23 pm

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I don't go to many conventions outside of work, but I had to make an exception for Alien Con as it's occurring at the end of this month very close to my home.

It's being put on by this guy

It should be good fun. I've said in the past I enjoy watching Ancient Aliens, but I also state I enjoy hurling insults and small objects at my television, so your own mileage may vary with the show. I find the pseudosciences a source of inspiration for adventure writing. Crazed cults, interstellar progenitors, exotic ruins, this show has it all.

Convention and Game Day » Gary Con IX (2017) » 10/21/2016 3:52 pm

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Thanks for pinning that event summary up at the top of the forum section, Chainsaw. Makes it easier for schedule prep.

Announcements » Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea 2nd Edition » 10/21/2016 2:30 pm

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This's awesome~

I backed only about an hour ago, and was pleasantly surprised everything was almost met! I do believe I'm going to have to contribute more for a 2nd book and that canvas map.

I'm also thankful the massive DDoS attack going on right now isn't currently affecting Kickstarter. Tsathoggua is watching out for you, Jeff. :-D

General Discussion (Off-Topic) » Where the Underborea have I been? » 10/04/2016 4:13 pm

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Nice! Is that your dog? Or did a strange hound lure you into a canoe?

General Discussion (Off-Topic) » The Dwarvenaut » 9/30/2016 5:10 pm

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Guy discovered this over at the K&KA. There's a quick pan of the 2015 game room at Garycon on Netflix a little after 30 minutes into the film. It's Gizmo, me, J, and Handy('s back) playing Ghul's Forgotten Fane. I didn't watch the movie, so I'm unequipped for recommendations.

General Discussion » What board games are you playing? » 9/13/2016 4:40 pm

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Nice! Yeah, still have yet to try 2nd ed.

GW and Fantasy Flight just had a falling out. If you can find Chaos in the Old World, I recommend picking it up with its single expansion. Might even make for a sound monetary investment. :-)

That said, I played Siege of the Citadel a bunch in high school (about as much as Aliens). If you don't want to pay secondary market prices, there's a current KS for a new edition.


General Discussion (Off-Topic) » Euclidean » 8/17/2016 12:54 pm

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gizmomathboy wrote:

Josh...are...are you ok? Do you need an intervention?

Blink twice if you are in distress and can't talk openly.

Just this damnable fever, and exams are coming up, and I swear this old lady is speaking with me while I sleep, and there's got to be something on the other side of this wall...

Oh, and I caught a pic of this thing scampering around my house.


General Discussion (Off-Topic) » Euclidean » 8/16/2016 5:11 pm

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Hooray for VR! You too can now experience Gilman's Dreams in the Witch House. But for the full effect while you play, I suggest you buy a pet rat, drizzle lightly some honey or melted peanut butter over your exposed flesh, and let the little bugger have at it!

Convention and Game Day » Gary Con IX (2017) » 8/16/2016 2:02 pm

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I have yet to play this, Rich. If you don't mind, I'm going to try to sign up when event registration opens for silver.

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