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8/16/2016 5:11 pm  #1


Hooray for VR! You too can now experience Gilman's Dreams in the Witch House. But for the full effect while you play, I suggest you buy a pet rat, drizzle lightly some honey or melted peanut butter over your exposed flesh, and let the little bugger have at it!


8/16/2016 8:34 pm  #2

Re: Euclidean

Josh...are...are you ok? Do you need an intervention?

Blink twice if you are in distress and can't talk openly.

What? Me worry?

8/16/2016 9:58 pm  #3

Re: Euclidean

gizmomathboy wrote:

Josh wrote:

Hooray for VR! You too can now experience Gilman's Dreams in the Witch House. But for the full effect while you play, I suggest you buy a pet rat, drizzle lightly some honey or melted peanut butter over your exposed flesh, and let the little bugger have at it!

Josh...are...are you ok? Do you need an intervention?

Blink twice if you are in distress and can't talk openly.


Blackadder23: Insanely long villain soliloquy, then "Your action?"
BORGO'S PLAYER: I shoot him in the face

8/17/2016 12:54 pm  #4

Re: Euclidean

gizmomathboy wrote:

Josh...are...are you ok? Do you need an intervention?

Blink twice if you are in distress and can't talk openly.

Just this damnable fever, and exams are coming up, and I swear this old lady is speaking with me while I sleep, and there's got to be something on the other side of this wall...

Oh, and I caught a pic of this thing scampering around my house.


     Thread Starter

8/17/2016 1:00 pm  #5

Re: Euclidean

when the f*** did you get house elves, or is that fey creatures of ill temperament? ( to mix and much various lore and fiction )

What? Me worry?

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