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Announcements » Beneath the Comet T-Shirt » 3/08/2016 10:57 pm

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Jealous of all! Next year!

Music » Inspiring Metal Music » 3/07/2016 10:23 pm

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I hope this works better this time.  Pallbearer.

Announcements » Beneath the Comet T-Shirt » 3/07/2016 9:38 pm

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It is now officially after the con.

General Discussion » The Island of Doctor Skullface - free pdf - Now Available » 1/26/2015 8:09 pm

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Have you got a Fedex Kinko's available?

Announcements » New Website! » 1/26/2015 7:53 pm

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Hurry up and launch the kickstarter and take my Christmas money!
Looks great, Jeff. Love the new covers.

General Discussion » The Island of Doctor Skullface - free pdf - Now Available » 1/17/2015 10:48 pm

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I can't wait for you to get the reprints so I can establish my collection. 

General Discussion » Fantastic Heroes & Witchery » 9/24/2014 6:47 pm

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Tell me more about the planetary romance aspect please.

Adventures » New Masthead for AS&SH (Adventures + Game) » 9/13/2014 5:58 pm

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Yeah, like a rainbow effect, but not super pronounced. Sorry to be obscure.

Adventures » New Masthead for AS&SH (Adventures + Game) » 9/13/2014 5:36 pm

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I really like it! The only suggestion I could make is maybe the top line could have some movement,  like a slight curve over Hyperborea.

General Discussion » Dice! » 7/09/2014 7:53 pm

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Pretty sure it's a d20 numbered 0-9 twice, with colors to indicate ones or tens.

Or did you mean who made it? Cause if so, I feel dumb.

Swordsmen & Sorcerers » Alchemist » 7/08/2014 8:23 am

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Thanks, Handy!

Hyperborea » Thickness of Hyperborea » 7/07/2014 10:06 pm

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My main thinking is this: the further you excavate down, the further you have to carry dirt to the top. One big sprawling level that maybe rises or falls no more than 50 feet from the surface and uses secret doors and teleportation to separate "higher" and "lower" levels is better for me. That's why mountains make some sense to me; you can basically hollow out a cone. Regular megadungeons that just go down forever don't interest me as much; plus, I find it easier to drop in other dungeon modules. Also, it has some relevance to hexcrawling, which I think is neat.

Bestiary » Random 1st Level Dungeon Encounters » 7/06/2014 7:27 pm

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See #26, then compare to picture on p. 111 of bestiary.  

Campaign » New Campaign Underway! » 7/06/2014 6:02 pm

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Yeah, I know; that's why I put the ?.    I started to instinctually say northeast, then I had to break out my map and think about it; it may actually be more east of Khromarium than northeast.  Glad I live closer to the equator.

Hyperborea » Thickness of Hyperborea » 7/06/2014 5:59 pm

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Has anyone ever thought about how far "down" Hyperborea goes?  The question is based on dungeons; the classic "megadungeon" is several levels deep and can carry people who knows how far from the surface.  What if a megadungeon was horizontal instead of vertical?  I think this idea fits both megadungeons and Hyperborea specifically, especially when you are not in mountainous regions.  You can account for multiple entrances/exits easier, as well, when most of the "levels" actually lie on the same horizontal plane.  Just a thought.

General Discussion » Magazine - Questions and ideas » 7/06/2014 5:32 pm

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Thanks, Scott!  I'm working up an alchemist class for AS&SH that I would like to submit.  Once it looks decent, I'll shoot it to you.
Also, can't wait for 1-4 to come back in print; finally got the money and you ran out.  

Swordsmen & Sorcerers » Alchemist » 7/06/2014 5:29 pm

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Alright, you'll have to give me some time, because the Bard Game version is basically its own 50 page book.  I'm going to try to compact it down to an AS&SH style class using the existing potions, poisons, and lotus powders.  I may poke your brain for suggestions; thanks, Jeff!

Campaign » New Campaign Underway! » 7/06/2014 5:27 pm

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I've thought about picking up Pod Caverns; I love Finch's Tome of Adventure Design and am very impressed by Tomb of the Iron God.  Have not heard of Tower of Mouths; will have to try and find it.

Swordsmen & Sorcerers » An Argument for 3d6 In Order » 7/06/2014 5:25 pm

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One of the first and most difficult things for me to wrap my head around in OSR play is 3d6 in order.  However, I would like to share the character creation in my new campaign as an argument for near-comletely random character generation.
Here are the first player's rolls:  Str 14, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 11, Wis 17, Cha 14.  He decided to play a cleric of Chaotic Good alignment.  Researching AS&SH's gods, I didn't find any that immediately jumped out at me.  However, there is reference to Thor on p. 230 of the Gazetteer and exiled Vikings living on the Isles of Thur on p. 205 of same.  Thus, I suggested being a Viking cleric of Thor, alienated from most Vikings in Hyperborea, but carrying out the veneration of Thor taught to him by his father.  Using Colin Chapman's excellent Name Generator, he became Aleifr Thormunarson.  I also used Mr. Chapman's Height and Weight and Masks generators to describe Aleifr; he is of average build, standing 6' even and weighing 182 lbs, with dark blue eyes and white (!) hair.
The next player (my son) rolled the following:  Str 5, Dex 12, Con 7, Int 15, Wis 13, Cha 8.  He decided to play a legerdemainist of Chaotic Good alignment.  Looking over the class, we decided he would be a good candidate for a Hyperborean mountebank, an illusion-casting archaelogist type.  Once again to the Generators, we have Xurogul Zhaan, a 6'10", 181 lbs, slimly built Hyperborean with dark violet eyes and rich golden hair.
The third player rolled:  Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 8.  He decided to play a Chaotic Evil barbarian.  Based on his alignment and class choice, we decided he was an outcast Kimmerian, possibly due to the rape of the chief's daughter.  Randomly determining the rest, he became Drakon the Barbarian, a 6'3", 182 lbs Kimmerian of average build with dark gray eyes and black hair.
Finally, the last player rolled:  Str 7, Dex 8, Con 5, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 12.  He decided to play a Chaotic Good Pyromancer.  Looking a

Campaign » New Campaign Underway! » 7/06/2014 5:00 pm

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Thought I would share that I finished my first session in a new campaign with my son and three of his friends.  Since I haven't had a chance to pick up Rats in the Walls yet, I went with Tomb of the Iron God by Matt Finch, which I got from the OSR Bundle of Holding.
First thing I changed was replacing all reference to goblins to orcs.  It's a slight power jump (1d6 HD to 1d8 HD), but the one wandering encounter was a group of 1d6 orcs and the group handled them well.  I placed the ruined monastery over the tomb one hex (24 miles) to the northeast (?) of Khromarium (towards Stonebrook).  I started the characters in Khromarium already "familiar" with one another (easier than "you all meet in the inn" trope).  They only explored 4 rooms, but managed to wipe out the aforementioned wandering orcs.  However, the barbarian almost met his match with the grey ooze, falling to -8 hp before being stabilized by the cleric.  After that, the party decided to return to Khromarium before exploring further.
I'll post more details about the characters somewhere else.

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