Official announcements from North Wind Adventures.
98 |
2,369 |
Cosmic Horror Sale at DriveThruRPG by Ghul |
Talk about anything AS&SH- or RPG-related here.
386 |
5,627 |
Bi-Ethnic Waifs of the Boreas by Ghul |
A place to discuss and ask questions about HYPERBOREA 3E.
21 |
407 |
Ixians by Ghul |
Discussion of AS&SH rules.
175 |
1,838 |
D&D 5E to Hyperborea for Caverns of Thracia? by BlackKnight |
Discussion of AS&SH character classes and subclasses.
89 |
833 |
Benefits of playing a basic class? by ALCAVDON |
Discussion of spells and magical items in the AS&SH game.
59 |
555 |
Some unique magic items I've created by Tikon2000 |
Discussion of beasts and monsters found in Hyperborea.
83 |
492 |
Lions of Heruclian Power by Leto the Red |
Discussion of the Official Hyperborea setting by North Wind Adventures.
112 |
879 |
Last year of Perpetual Darkness by digitalelf |
Discussion of Official and Unofficial AS&SH Adventures.
101 |
817 |
Thousand Eyes - Sacred Flame alterante use by Tikon2000 |