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12/30/2019 11:21 am  #1

Bone Tomahawk

While a western, this movie could easily be adapted to the ASSH setting.

Basic premise is that there is a group of Native Americans who are  are shunned and reviled by all other Native American tribes living near them due to unholy practices. The nasty bunch raid a nearby town of settlers taking a hostage and horses. Some town folk ride after them and discover why the tribe is shunned.

Kurt Russel stars as the town sheriff which is a role that suits him well given the other westerns he has done.


12/30/2019 1:41 pm  #2

Re: Bone Tomahawk

Sounds a little like one of REH's horror yarns!

HYPERBOREA- A Role-Playing Game of Swords, Sorcery, and Weird Science-Fantasy

12/30/2019 3:44 pm  #3

Re: Bone Tomahawk

It certainly has a REH western vibe to it. Probably why I liked it.

     Thread Starter

12/30/2019 4:09 pm  #4

Re: Bone Tomahawk

Fantastic flick, agreed. Slow burn western/horror.

Blackadder23: Insanely long villain soliloquy, then "Your action?"
BORGO'S PLAYER: I shoot him in the face

2/27/2020 11:19 pm  #5

Re: Bone Tomahawk

Just watched this tonight.  Pretty awesome and I don't even like Westerns.  But the premise is perfect for AS&SH.

"Could you fancy me as a pirate bold?  Or a longship Viking warrior with the old gods on his side?  Well, I'm an inshore man and I'm nobody's hero.  But I'll make you tight for a windy night and a dark ride."--Jethro Tull

6/24/2020 7:11 pm  #6

Re: Bone Tomahawk

Watched this again! Great flick.

Blackadder23: Insanely long villain soliloquy, then "Your action?"
BORGO'S PLAYER: I shoot him in the face

6/25/2020 6:06 am  #7

Re: Bone Tomahawk

Chainsaw wrote:

Watched this again! Great flick.

Weird stuff! I enjoyed this as much the second time.

“How can I wear the harness of toil
And sweat at the daily round,
While in my soul forever
The drums of Pictdom sound?” 

6/25/2020 3:18 pm  #8

Re: Bone Tomahawk

I need to watch it a second time. Loved it.

HYPERBOREA- A Role-Playing Game of Swords, Sorcery, and Weird Science-Fantasy

6/25/2020 5:29 pm  #9

Re: Bone Tomahawk

I think westerns, especially the ultra-violent Italian westerns, are great fodder for games like AS&SH. The setting is a vast, lawless frontier, the settlements are rarely bigger than a town or village on the brink, and the protagonists are usually self-interested, grey-ethic wanderers. The heroes of one town may be wanted men a few miles away. Just like your typical adventuring party.
You need a quick plot for an adventure, here's a database to choose from:

"Role-playing isn't storytelling. If the dungeon master is directing it, it's not a game."  ~ Gary Gygax

6/25/2020 7:39 pm  #10

Re: Bone Tomahawk

If that tribe isn't direct descendants of Vhuurmis then I'm in the wrong game!!!


1/17/2024 7:39 pm  #11

Re: Bone Tomahawk

i love this movie. ill have to watch it again soon. 


2/20/2024 3:50 pm  #12

Re: Bone Tomahawk

Fun and absolutely brutal. Exactly how I would imagine the Picts of Beyond Black River and The Black Stranger to be.

Take a Ook Into A Book.

5/12/2024 8:01 pm  #13

Re: Bone Tomahawk

"That" scene was dreadful! Havent beens so shocked by a film since a girl I dated brough home "tusk" thinking it was a comedy.

"We alone of all mankind, who are sorcerers of high attainment and mastery, may endure the lethal ice-change and become breathers of the airless void, and thus, in the end, be made suitable for the provender of such as Rlim Shaikorth." sounds great unless you know what Provender means.

Board footera

© 2009-2025 North Wind Adventures, LLC. “HYPERBOREA” is a registered trademark of North Wind Adventures, LLC. “Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea,” “AS&SH,” and all other North Wind Adventures product names and their respective logos are trademarks of North Wind Adventures, LLC in the USA and other countries. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.