To teleport successfully does the area have to be a geographic location or can it be mobile like the inside of a Romani's wagon? What about onto their own saddle on a moving horse? What about onto a floating Giant citadel the size of a mountain?
I'm leaning toward interpreting that the spell must be used either line of sight or to a fixed location and that it cannot be used to pop onto a sailing ship or the well known saddle of the caster.
As referee I would allow a mobile target like a wagon or saddle provided 1) the caster was very familiar with the target in question and 2) the caster knew generally where it was (i.e., within a few miles).
If the caster had no idea at all where the wagon or saddle was, the spell would fail.
I would say no to the wagon or saddle ("...the destination must be an unoccupied location on solid ground"), but perhaps yes to the floating citadel, if sufficiently massive to encompass "solid ground". The caster's degree of familiarity would depend upon the citadel's current location, however.
DMPrata wrote:
I would say no to the wagon or saddle ("...the destination must be an unoccupied location on solid ground"), but perhaps yes to the floating citadel, if sufficiently massive to encompass "solid ground". The caster's degree of familiarity would depend upon the citadel's current location, however.
Yeah. Given the consequences for messing up, this is just not a spell whose limits I would try to push, were I a magician (*maybe* if I were a pyromancer; they'll tear your lungs out, Jim!).
Well, I think how much warning/guidance I would give about the limits would depend upon my mood I think.
I'm more of the "well, you can try it and see what happens" mindset usually.
gizmomathboy wrote:
Well, I think how much warning/guidance I would give about the limits would depend upon my mood I think.
I'm more of the "well, you can try it and see what happens" mindset usually.
Sure--the consequences are spelled out right there in the Players Manual.
Handy, as you well know that hasn't stopped some rather interesting questions from the players. Written text by damned.
And some rather interesting answers. Like, "It's dark. You might be inside your horse."
Handy Haversack wrote:
And some rather interesting answers. Like, "It's dark. You might be inside your horse."
"...and I thought they smelled bad on the outside!"
DMPrata wrote:
Handy Haversack wrote:
And some rather interesting answers. Like, "It's dark. You might be inside your horse."
"...and I thought they smelled bad on the outside!"
Exactly! Haha!
I'd definitely allow the floating citadel, would maybe allow the wagon, would not allow the saddle.