So, which of the official AS&SH modules have you played so far? I've played Taken from Dunwich at Gary Con III and Rats in the Walls at Gary Con IV, both run by Jeff. I think I prefered Taken from Dunwich, because of the module elements (I won't spoil them here) and because we were a little higher level, which allowed us to explore the characters' abilities a little bit more. Of course, I had a strong buzz during Rats in the Walls, so my memory's a little foggy. I might need to play that one again.
Has anyone played them all? Capitalbill maybe?
I think I've played all but Mystery At Port Greely and all were run by Jeff.
k2h2m3 wrote:
I think I've played all but Mystery At Port Greely and all were run by Jeff.
Yes, k2h2m3 was in the very first group (at TotalCon XXVIII) that I ran Beneath the Comet for. This was the first time I ran a new adventure at a con before my home group.
Oh, and there is the 0-level mini-adventure, The Lamia's Heart which was published in AFS. I've run that only for my home group so far, but I plan to run it informally for a small crew of Seattle's finest at Gary Con VI.
None yet. Hopefully that will change at some point. Still making my way through the rules.
At some point though, I want to grab some of those AFS issues. One can never have enough modules.
Kookla wrote:
At some point though, I want to grab some of those AFS issues. One can never have enough modules.
The new cryomancer class alone makes AFS #2 more than worth the purchase price.
Actually I picked up all four issues and all were full of good stuff.
Chainsaw wrote:
So, which of the official AS&SH modules have you played so far? I've played Taken from Dunwich at Gary Con III and Rats in the Walls at Gary Con IV, both run by Jeff.
I've played Dunwich and Ghost Ship of the Desert Dunes, and enjoyed both!
grodog wrote:
Chainsaw wrote:
So, which of the official AS&SH modules have you played so far? I've played Taken from Dunwich at Gary Con III and Rats in the Walls at Gary Con IV, both run by Jeff.
I've played Dunwich and Ghost Ship of the Desert Dunes, and enjoyed both!
Is Ghost ship of the Dunes based on the A. Merritt/Hannes Bok story 'The Black Wheel'?
JasonZavoda wrote:
grodog wrote:
Chainsaw wrote:
So, which of the official AS&SH modules have you played so far? I've played Taken from Dunwich at Gary Con III and Rats in the Walls at Gary Con IV, both run by Jeff.
I've played Dunwich and Ghost Ship of the Desert Dunes, and enjoyed both!
Is Ghost ship of the Dunes based on the A. Merritt/Hannes Bok story 'The Black Wheel'?
No, I was actually inpired by the shipwrecks of the Skeleton Coast, but there is also some inspiration drawn from REH's Rogues in the House.
Much to my chagrin; I haven't played any but I've run Charnel Crypt and Taken from Dunwich. Both using 3.5 rules as my group only plays this (so far). Both were fun. I had to bring the Necromancer out of his hidey hole to confront the players as they were leaving a bit after defeating the basilisk. Taken was fun, the addition of sci-fi tech stuff was cool. I changed the setting a bit for this one. Good Times!
Chainsaw wrote:
Has anyone played them all? Capitalbill maybe?
I've played in several at conventions (I try to sign up for as many as I can, schedule permitting):
-Rats in the Walls run by Ghul at GC IV (as the unnamed first level Pict Thief who spent more time being confounded by our Pyromancer's antics than the innkeeper's rat problem)
-Kolivun's Folly run by Mabon at GC V (as Sitiyok the fourth level Esquimaux Thief who realized the fun in raining arrows down on the enemy from the safety of a rooftop)
-The Ghost Ship of the Sand Dunes run by Ghul at GC V (as the unnamed first level Atlantean Magician, who I believe escaped with loads of treasure)
-The Mystery at Port Greely run by Ghul at NTRPG V (as Inga the fifth level Viking Berserker who kicked some serious ass)
-Trouble in Vikland run by Francisca at GC VI (as Sokki the Swift the seventh level Viking Scout who met his fate in a glorious battle against some trees)
-Beneath the Comet run by Ghul at DC VI (as Kollesta the She-Bull the eigth level Common Barbarian who now has an amazing fur coat)
And Chainsaw ran Taken From Dunwich for us in our home campaign under AD&D rules (where I pushed the button).
So far I've only run Charnel Crypt. Hoping to play in them all soon!
I've run only Rats in the Walls so far, though the group is still 1-2 level. Figure I'll have them all on hand as experience warrants.
My buddy J and I have already reserved a hotel room for GaryCon next year, so you guys better plan on running some AS&SH out there!
Last edited by Handy Haversack (5/28/2014 9:59 pm)
I have run 'Charnel Crypt' and I ran 'Theme for a Jackal' set in Hyperborea. I also ran 'Into the Black Kingdoms' but it was set in Hyboria (close!).
I am itching to run 'The Lamia's Heart' and may do so at the CON I will be attending in August.
Also I am currently running a pbp on the odd74 boards set in Hyperborea called 'Into the Dead City of Cron' which is sort of a working playtest of the adventure as I have written a rough draft, but need to flesh it out. I plan on some different things in it, as it is Urban and sort of a living City. There are some sci fi elements in it particularly Philip K d*** influenced. There will be tables and possibly some 'event cards' (with cool artwork) such as is used in wargames as a mechanic that I admire. At least that is what I envision..
Whoops, just re read the thread starter and saw the word official. My post may need to be moved, sorry about that just discussing genre related adventures I have run.
Also - I think the board's auto correct didn;t like that author's last name, ha ha
None for me yet, but I plan on picking up a few AS&SH modules in the near future to run for my group!
Imagine my surprise when my AD&D 1E group rolled into a salty port at our last session and found ourselves in the Slippery Eel...held my tongue and let my fighter, Kilkennard take a backseat and had a blast watching the rest try to figure out what foulness was afoot!
Iron Ranger wrote:
Imagine my surprise when my AD&D 1E group rolled into a salty port at our last session and found ourselves in the Slippery Eel...held my tongue and let my fighter, Kilkennard take a backseat and had a blast watching the rest try to figure out what foulness was afoot!
Awesome! I'd love to hear more details some time if you care to type a little more about it.
Last edited by Ghul (2/10/2015 8:59 pm)
Sure. But MAJOR SPOILERS HERE! Feel free to delete Jeff.
At first I thought it was pure coincidence until DM mentioned the numerous holes in the walls stuffed with straw and papers. And sure enough there was Xill and Annesta, selling us the much needed ale and the tastiest food we'd had in weeks and offering us rooms in a second establishment he had down the dock, and like clockwork he broke down when our softspoken and maternal Cleric asked him if something was wrong here... and they were hooked. As hard as Xill tried to close up for the night and have us return to help in the morn, the mystery was too great, and they convinced Xill to let the party snoop around a little before retiring. They set traps at the holes and several went upstairs, where the puzzle thickened, they wondered and wondered could Xill be trusted. As I watched silently from the upper hall, they found huge droppings in Annesta's dresser, the blood in her bed, and even the diary under the floor. The Cleric raced back downstairs to try to convince the girl to allow her to examine her for wounds, since Xill insisted neither had been bitten. And the Ranger was drawn to those crates under the window...They got their first look at the pesky beasts but poor roles allowed them to escape down the stairs and away into the port. We regrouped downstairs and the Cleric confirmed their suspicions – the girl should come sleep with us away form this place. Xil agreed but insisted on staying in his establishment, fueling more distrust. The next morn, the place was ransacked by rats again and Xill and Annesta set to righting it, while we did what we had come to do, descend to the basement where the poor man's beloved wife had hung herself in the basement....I took a stance atop a certain flagstone in the center of the room and watched as the party looked for clues. The Druid cast Speak with Animals and communed with several rats hiding unseen, asking them questions of their role in the infant's death, take me to your leader, etc. Of course the pesky varmints informed him they had been told not to talk to him, that it wasn't them, and the like. As the party scratched their heads wondering what to do next, I quietly took my fighter outside for a quick smoke of the leaf...and the group called it a night right there. Should be fun to see what happens next session. It was interesting to see how the DM had shifted the story ever so slightly, but not too far off course. And was fun to watch him react to the often sandbox play.
Great recap! I am very fond of Rats in the Wall, though I have yet to run it. Jeff really hit the nail with a Lovecraftian twist on a classic trope.
Added Forgotten Fane of the Coiled Goddess run by Ghul at TotalCon.