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4/27/2015 2:35 pm  #1

Big Trouble in 'lil Geneva! (for GaryCon VIII)


When did Lake Geneva become a Nerd Killing Dungeon?!

"I'm a reasonable gamer! But, I've just experienced some very unreasonable things!" - JB

Hi y'all,

Currently, I'm working on a single session convention style scenario to run for the next GaryCon. Without going into too many details at this time, I'm seeking a bit of help from whomever has the agency & inclination with acquiring the floor plans of Geneva Ridge Resort or of any other nearby locales of note (there's actually a former Playboy Mansion in the vicinity!), even a quick snap of the emergency evacuation map on the back of a room door would help to get the ball rolling.

Since I'll be running this with the Hero/Champions system I chose the Off Topic section, it being the system I'm most familiar GMing. If well received I'll convert it to AS&SH to share in the future...

As the year wanes, I'll release more on the concept mainly to solicit particapation in the Con event from the several awesome players that I met at GaryCon VII.

Thank you in advance, this is a great community to which I look forward to contributing in the future!


Last edited by Monkeydono (4/28/2015 2:55 am)

...before fatidic silver pools on a auspicious night stood a Hyperborean Xathoqquan priestess; stripping naked like a beast crawling in on all fours in supplication...

4/27/2015 2:36 pm  #2

Re: Big Trouble in 'lil Geneva! (for GaryCon VIII)

Also, if anyone is interested in chatting about Gaming CONventions or the convention of games and about twisting, turning on its head or otherwise perverting well tread tropes, then please join in dialog...!

Last edited by Monkeydono (4/28/2015 2:48 am)

...before fatidic silver pools on a auspicious night stood a Hyperborean Xathoqquan priestess; stripping naked like a beast crawling in on all fours in supplication...
     Thread Starter

4/28/2015 3:31 am  #3

Re: Big Trouble in 'lil Geneva! (for GaryCon VIII)

Current Spaghetti-on-the-wall Chosmology:
Led Zeppelin indeed packed their bags yet never returned from the Misty Mountains
Flash Gordon saved Every Man, Every Woman, Every Child, with a Mighty Flash!(?)!
Schrödinger's Cat is Indifferent
Nomenclature Gnomeclafture

Last edited by Monkeydono (4/28/2015 3:38 am)

...before fatidic silver pools on a auspicious night stood a Hyperborean Xathoqquan priestess; stripping naked like a beast crawling in on all fours in supplication...
     Thread Starter

4/28/2015 7:17 am  #4

Re: Big Trouble in 'lil Geneva! (for GaryCon VIII)

Could be interesting! I can probably draw a decent Lodge map, but I bet if you call mgmt, it will send you and floorplan PDF or something. Just tell them you're doing initial legwork on an event (wedding is an easy one) and gathering information on a variety of spots. They do too many events not to have such a thing handy.

Blackadder23: Insanely long villain soliloquy, then "Your action?"
BORGO'S PLAYER: I shoot him in the face

4/28/2015 9:33 am  #5

Re: Big Trouble in 'lil Geneva! (for GaryCon VIII)

This will likely help, with the interior gaming and vending space.

satellite view:

Last edited by francisca (4/28/2015 9:35 am)


4/28/2015 11:40 am  #6

Re: Big Trouble in 'lil Geneva! (for GaryCon VIII)

I was trying to find a layout of the lobby area (which would include the restaurant and bar area) but I couldn't find one.

The link Francisca gave gives the conference room area. I did a quick dig through the garycon forum pages and only came up with the link already given.

What? Me worry?

4/28/2015 12:48 pm  #7

Re: Big Trouble in 'lil Geneva! (for GaryCon VIII)

thanks for jumping right into the hunt, guys! Unfortunately, those two links are  all i've been able to come up thus far with on my own.

funny Chainsaw, I had the same idea for obtaining a layout from the hotal - a wedding!!

as Gizmo noticed, it's mainly the lobby, bar and the number of rooms & suites (should be able to fit them in from the satellite image).

Last edited by Monkeydono (4/28/2015 12:49 pm)

...before fatidic silver pools on a auspicious night stood a Hyperborean Xathoqquan priestess; stripping naked like a beast crawling in on all fours in supplication...
     Thread Starter

4/29/2015 9:11 pm  #8

Re: Big Trouble in 'lil Geneva! (for GaryCon VIII)

Has anyone used & would recommend Hexographer (, or maybe some other Hexagonal mapper? I'm plugging away a rough map but at some point I'll want to design then print the Dungeon.

...before fatidic silver pools on a auspicious night stood a Hyperborean Xathoqquan priestess; stripping naked like a beast crawling in on all fours in supplication...
     Thread Starter

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