I am looking for something new to read, but don't really much about S&S literature. I read most of Conan and Princess of Mars, but don't know much about anything else.
I'd like to find something with a Bronze Age or Iron Age style, preferably focused more on wilderness and exploration than big cities. (Sorry, F and Mouser.) And maybe somewhat longer narratives than Conan.
Anything you can recommend?
Last edited by Yora (9/05/2014 10:55 am)
Maybe try the Kane books by Karl Edward Wagner.
Ghul wrote:
Maybe try the Kane books by Karl Edward Wagner.
Yeah, I love Wagner. Try Bloodstone (1975), Dark Crusade (1976) and Darkness Weaves (1978). Gods in Darkness: The Compete Novels of Kane (2002) has all three in one book.
Bloodstone's my favorite.
Has anybody had much luck finding dead tree copies of the Kane books that aren't horribly expensive? I nosed around on Amazon a little bit and I ended up getting the e-books when I saw how much even the paperbacks go for.
I've been looking for the Kane books myself, with no luck. They're definitely on my list.
My advice would be to go straight for CAS, There is a collection available on Kindle for $1.99 and it includes all the Hyperborea tales, as well as Averoigne and Zothique. Aside from that, any non - Conan REH might be a good choice. Check out Appendix N, you'll certainly find something!
Last edited by joseph (9/08/2014 8:11 am)
Also, Yora... James Silke's Death Dealer books (based on the famous Frazetta paintings) aren't too bad (definitely not as good as Wagner, not even comparable to REH), but they are sometime hard to find. Have to keep your eyes peeled on Ebay.
Prisoner of the Horned Helmet
Lords of Destruction
Tooth and Claw
Plague of Knives