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8/02/2022 12:54 am  #1

Monsters of Saturn

When envisioning Saturn what are some of the monsters you see as prevalent? The monster manual in the referees guide mentions that some demons may dwell on the moons of saturn. There's also the hyperborea story that takes place on saturn, which describes siblings of xathaqua, villages of headless beings, stylite flightless birds, and pygmies.

Does anything else come to mind?


8/02/2022 7:19 am  #2

Re: Monsters of Saturn

Lovecraft mentions the cats from Saturn.

Michael Sipe 1979-2018
Rest in peace, brother.

8/03/2022 12:09 pm  #3

Re: Monsters of Saturn

I have a group of PCs in my campaign who are exploring Saturn now. I have a lot of crystal-based lifeforms and a lot of critters inspired by CAS's Door to Saturn.

HYPERBOREA- A Role-Playing Game of Swords, Sorcery, and Weird Science-Fantasy

8/08/2022 9:31 pm  #4

Re: Monsters of Saturn

CAS's Door to Saturn, is one story I use for monsters and such too.

Na Chuba! Na Gita! Negatorie Na! Na! Natoota! 

8/09/2022 7:49 am  #5

Re: Monsters of Saturn

Here are a pair I whipped up a couple of years ago. Too, the formless spawn of Xathoqqua (included as a new monster in The Late Trapper’s Lament) are thought to originate from Saturn.


8/09/2022 9:52 am  #6

Re: Monsters of Saturn

DMPrata wrote:

Here are a pair I whipped up a couple of years ago. Too, the formless spawn of Xathoqqua (included as a new monster in The Late Trapper’s Lament) are thought to originate from Saturn.

Those are both great. I have to introduce these into my Saturn campaign! I'd forgotten about them, so thanks for the reminder.

HYPERBOREA- A Role-Playing Game of Swords, Sorcery, and Weird Science-Fantasy

8/09/2022 1:25 pm  #7

Re: Monsters of Saturn

My goodness those are some nasty beasts

What? Me worry?

8/23/2022 3:50 pm  #8

Re: Monsters of Saturn

Alien/monster we use in our game.

Na Chuba! Na Gita! Negatorie Na! Na! Natoota! 

9/15/2022 5:06 am  #9

Re: Monsters of Saturn

Some very inspiring stuff here. Thanks!

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