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6/12/2021 11:06 pm  #141

Re: pc or pregen generator

Well, I have something that seems to work

I don't have the "fun" spellcasters like shaman, rangers, bard, etc. Those will require some thought and interface stuff.

Logging isn't working so I need to figure out why not so if you find and error and I have some chance to figure out why.

What? Me worry?

6/12/2021 11:50 pm  #142

Re: pc or pregen generator

well, I got some logging sorted out so I should be able to know why something breaks if it breaks. I hope.

So, have at it.

What? Me worry?
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6/13/2021 6:38 am  #143

Re: pc or pregen generator

Several quick attempts look good: nothing untoward so far. Thanks!

"It is all very well to point out that the man lacks facility; as he asserts, sheer force can overpower sophistication."
Jack Vance, Rhialto the Marvellous

6/13/2021 10:14 am  #144

Re: pc or pregen generator

Made a minor UX change.

Also, found a problem with ice/fire thief/lord and fixed it.

What? Me worry?
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6/13/2021 1:03 pm  #145

Re: pc or pregen generator

Very cool! Definitely speeds things up! Extremely useful for on-the-fly procurements of spellbooks and prayerbooks that a referee might not see coming. "Yeah while you guys were negotiating holy water prices with the Abbot I lifted this from the tabernacle, heh"
Many thanks!

Last edited by Jimm.Iblis (6/13/2021 1:04 pm)

"Role-playing isn't storytelling. If the dungeon master is directing it, it's not a game."  ~ Gary Gygax

6/13/2021 1:29 pm  #146

Re: pc or pregen generator

Ha, yeah, definitely good for "oh crap, I need something quick!"

My next bit of automation is npc party generation. Still leaning on BlackAdder's encounter tables for this. I just need to work through it and such. Not nearly as easy as this little project was.

What? Me worry?
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6/22/2021 7:38 pm  #147

Re: pc or pregen generator

Did you ever notice that when you rolled up a magician and then created a pdf there was no HD or HP listed?

Me neither.

Until I was doing some stuff with the npc party generator (rolling HP for the NPC) and got some errors.

I have fixed that now.

What? Me worry?
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6/23/2021 4:36 pm  #148

Re: pc or pregen generator

gizmomathboy wrote:

Did you ever notice that when you rolled up a magician and then created a pdf there was no HD or HP listed? I have fixed that now.

Nice! I did notice that the other day when I quick needed a high-level mage stuck in his own clone tank. I figured it was a one time error though. Glad to hear you worked it out! Your tools are a real time-saver.

"Role-playing isn't storytelling. If the dungeon master is directing it, it's not a game."  ~ Gary Gygax

6/23/2021 4:44 pm  #149

Re: pc or pregen generator

Thank Jimm.

Someday I'll get the refactor done and maybe have a test suite so I can catch these things.

What? Me worry?
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9/05/2021 9:07 pm  #150

Re: pc or pregen generator

happened to notice that a 4th level huntsman accidentally got the "wilderness fortress" class ability. Whoops.

Also, the weapon mastery was a bit "wrong" for huntsman but that is fixed, too.

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11/29/2021 8:05 pm  #151

Re: pc or pregen generator

Was playing around tonight, and a 12th-level Magician's "Spells Known" section didn't include Level (just "Ma") or Other Notes (pg., Range, Duration, etc.) for either Lesser or Greater Globe of Invulnerability. 

"It is all very well to point out that the man lacks facility; as he asserts, sheer force can overpower sophistication."
Jack Vance, Rhialto the Marvellous

11/29/2021 8:06 pm  #152

Re: pc or pregen generator

I will check it out.

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11/29/2021 8:25 pm  #153

Re: pc or pregen generator

and fixed.

need to align spell names in 2 files. Needed a reboot to get new kernel so maintenance all around I suppose.

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11/30/2021 4:32 pm  #154

Re: pc or pregen generator

Thanks again for keeping this up. All your generators, esp the spells known generator, have been a godsend. 

Last edited by Jimm.Iblis (11/30/2021 4:33 pm)

"Role-playing isn't storytelling. If the dungeon master is directing it, it's not a game."  ~ Gary Gygax

11/30/2021 6:47 pm  #155

Re: pc or pregen generator

Yes indeed! A quick check show's it fixed, thank you. 

"It is all very well to point out that the man lacks facility; as he asserts, sheer force can overpower sophistication."
Jack Vance, Rhialto the Marvellous

11/30/2021 7:53 pm  #156

Re: pc or pregen generator


Good to hear folks are using and liking things.

I really need to make time to have an opinionated set of spell book generators, too. :-)

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11/30/2021 8:48 pm  #157

Re: pc or pregen generator

So I think I discovered something else amiss: I generated a 4th-level Scout, and the Track ability doesn't match the book. My gizmo-character sheet PDF has Wilderness: 10:12, non-fresh: 8:12; Non-Wilderness: 2:12, non-fresh: 1:12. The book has Wilderness 7:12, non-fresh 5:12; Non-wilderness 9:12, non-fresh 7:12. 

"It is all very well to point out that the man lacks facility; as he asserts, sheer force can overpower sophistication."
Jack Vance, Rhialto the Marvellous

11/30/2021 9:03 pm  #158

Re: pc or pregen generator

ok, checking on it

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11/30/2021 9:48 pm  #159

Re: pc or pregen generator

huh, it seems like there are 4 variations to the Track ability. Barbarians, Huntsman, Rangers, and Scouts are just slightly different from each other :-)

I've sorted that out I think.

What? Me worry?
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12/01/2021 7:08 am  #160

Re: pc or pregen generator

Yes, it looks like it: randomly generated one of each class, and each comported with the rules tome. Thanks!

"It is all very well to point out that the man lacks facility; as he asserts, sheer force can overpower sophistication."
Jack Vance, Rhialto the Marvellous

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