If you don't know this exists I recomend it to sword and sorcery fans in the upmost. It's totally faithful to the feel and style of Icelandic sagas (Reminds me a lot of Egil Saga, as well as The Long Ships by Frans G. Bengtsson), even though it is faithfull to the star wars movies everything is changed to read as swords and sorcery, and the primary motivations for the protagonists tend to be loot and revenge. An awsome work by Jackson Crawford who teaches old norse and Norwegian languages in California.
It's called the Tattúínárdǿla saga, I'm not sure what the best link would be but i use
Thanks, RedJowel!
The Long Ships is one of my favorite books, so it's a strong recommendation even without certain double-sun desert planets.
Thanks Redjowel!
This is the first I have heard of this project, but I am quite interested. Its great timing too, as I have been reading sagas lately...i'm on a Norse kick due to the Vikings show.
It seems a little strange to me. I'm not even sure how to react to it.
Thanks Redjowel
Something else to read, the style sucked me in immediatly. Here's to sacking and looting long may it reign.
Happy raiding!
Handy Haversack wrote:
Thanks, RedJowel!
The Long Ships is one of my favorite books, so it's a strong recommendation even without certain double-sun desert planets.
Possibly my favorite book of all time, you may recognise my name to be the same as a certain character's sword.......and if I find someone going by BlueTongue, they are automatically my friend
Thanks for this RedJowel! This looks like a lot of fun. Surprised me how well my Old Norse held up aswell.
My dad is going to like this too. He is a retired teacher and thought Old Norse at the high school level. Probably would be easier to motivate the pupils if he had the Stars Wars angle ;).