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8/04/2020 11:32 am  #1

Darkness at Nekemte

Hawk posted this at K&KA, but it may be of interest to AS&SH folks as well. Recall, Hawk brought us the great Gunderholfen megadungeon back in June of 2019. 

Hawk wrote:

Hi K&K, I'm pleased to announce the release of Darkness at Nekemte, a sword & sorcery themed adventure module for OSRIC/1e. This will fit in well in a Crypts & Things or AS&SH campaign. Also available in softcover and hardback versions. 


Blackadder23: Insanely long villain soliloquy, then "Your action?"
BORGO'S PLAYER: I shoot him in the face

8/04/2020 12:41 pm  #2

Re: Darkness at Nekemte

This sounds great. Definitely interested.

HYPERBOREA- A Role-Playing Game of Swords, Sorcery, and Weird Science-Fantasy

8/04/2020 1:24 pm  #3

Re: Darkness at Nekemte

Yeah, got the pdf last night and read it so I can put a hook for it in my current campaign.

It's kinda mean to maybe derail their quest but they don't have to take the bait.

For it to make sense I'm going to be put in near Wold Phellora. They are currently at Calencia Village so that looked to be the most likely place a thief that escaped from their might have a map to it.

Now, I have Gunderholfen and they could go there I'm not ready for that, but it would be on me for that problem :-)

What? Me worry?

8/05/2020 7:33 am  #4

Re: Darkness at Nekemte

Well, they bought the map but sensibly continued on their way to the Remnant.

What? Me worry?

8/05/2020 8:48 am  #5

Re: Darkness at Nekemte

gizmomathboy wrote:

Well, they bought the map but sensibly continued on their way to the Remnant.

Good stuff...


8/15/2020 4:48 pm  #6

Re: Darkness at Nekemte

I liked Gunderholfen so I will have to check this out. 


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