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5/18/2020 8:53 pm  #1

Anybody else ready to get back to the table?

or are you kinda digging this online thing?


5/19/2020 7:03 am  #2

Re: Anybody else ready to get back to the table?

Well... While I almost always prefer in-person gaming, my past two campaigns have been online (Roll20 + Discord) and I'm pretty sure my next one will be too (may try Fantasy Grounds + Zoom). It's not perfect, but it's not bad if in-person's not possible. Plus, I suspect the tools will improve over the next few years after this sudden burst of people using it. They'll have new ideas for ironing out the wrinkles and personalizing it and such.

Blackadder23: Insanely long villain soliloquy, then "Your action?"
BORGO'S PLAYER: I shoot him in the face

5/19/2020 9:36 am  #3

Re: Anybody else ready to get back to the table?

I find it to be a great opportunity to continue playing and it's been an education on the variety of tools available, but I do get a certain fatigue that I don't seem to get at a table.

     Thread Starter

5/19/2020 9:51 am  #4

Re: Anybody else ready to get back to the table?

Chomping at the bit here...

BlackKnight, AKA Sausage
Older than Dirt, Crusty, and set in my ways. Been playing TTRPGs for over 45 years...

5/19/2020 10:05 am  #5

Re: Anybody else ready to get back to the table?

Not fond of the on-line version, given I spend 10 - 12 hours per work-day (and some every weekend) working on my computer: too much like work, not enough human interaction. I'll bide my time.

"It is all very well to point out that the man lacks facility; as he asserts, sheer force can overpower sophistication."
Jack Vance, Rhialto the Marvellous

5/20/2020 11:17 am  #6

Re: Anybody else ready to get back to the table?

It's better than no gaming at all, but I far prefer in-person.


5/20/2020 3:21 pm  #7

Re: Anybody else ready to get back to the table?

Much prefer in person to online. That being said I have been able to game with a group of GMs from origins game fair. We run games together but never get to play in each others games.

“How can I wear the harness of toil
And sweat at the daily round,
While in my soul forever
The drums of Pictdom sound?” 

5/20/2020 10:08 pm  #8

Re: Anybody else ready to get back to the table?

We've doubled our time spent gaming. And it just doesn't matter if we're sick of it or not. Getting together in person is not possible now. So we do this. And I am trying not to look too far ahead because there's a real possibility that this is going to go on far longer than any of us hope. The rest of 2020 seems totally possible.

That said, we have welcomed in two players from out of state and have frequent drop-ins from people who could never make it over to my apt. to play. So that part's a blast.

But I sure wish Melan would pump out a few more issues of the zine in a hurry! They are gonna run out of dungeon soon!


5/21/2020 4:31 pm  #9

Re: Anybody else ready to get back to the table?

I've been playing and running games more than ever and everyone seems to be able to make it to the games! I've run one game on Skype for years so I have had some practice at it (though it used to only be me on the computer and everyone else met up in one place) .  I hadn't used Roll20 as a DM before though , and it's been fun learning some of the online tools.  I think Dynamic lighting adds to the dungeon experience and it's not too hard to implement.  I've been using it with the dungeon maps from City State of the Invincible Overlord so it can work with basically as old of maps as you might want to use.  It is nice to get everyone face to face but it seems to be working out ok for now.


5/22/2020 8:23 pm  #10

Re: Anybody else ready to get back to the table?

Yes, emphatically yes.
The practical ‘yes’ for me and my crew will be some time in coming with several conditions and practices...working on some protocol with quick, tourney style of gaming - 4 hours or less; no book-work; DM only handles papers; Banditos.

Stay healthy everyone and hope to game again together someday! (even if it’s thru a

...before fatidic silver pools on a auspicious night stood a Hyperborean Xathoqquan priestess; stripping naked like a beast crawling in on all fours in supplication...

5/24/2020 1:55 am  #11

Re: Anybody else ready to get back to the table?

rhialto wrote:

Not fond of the on-line version, given I spend 10 - 12 hours per work-day (and some every weekend) working on my computer: too much like work, not enough human interaction. I'll bide my time.

Same for me. I just cannot make the time to port my campaign into Roll20. I spend too much time on the goddamn computer as it is. 


5/25/2020 12:48 pm  #12

Re: Anybody else ready to get back to the table?

I absolutely prefer face-to-face gaming.
On the other hand, now I get to play in Melan's current campaign that I otherwise wouldn't be able to.
If life gives you lemons...


Board footera

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