I'm right there with ya, MrManowar!
Many thanks, guys!
Collector's item, eh? I'll have to stash one copy in my Cave of Wonders. Once I kick out the dog.
Congrats, Ghul!
This is a kind of ridiculous ask ... but I've been using the PDF a lot more lately because of reasons. Is there any chance of updating it so that the bookmarks aren't ALL expanded? Or even like, not expanded at all? There's so much scrolling involved -- and I think this is something that can be controlled in bookmark creation, no?
Wasn't sure where to tuck this, I've been questing for a 2e tome. I've razed the lands, naught but ashes in my mouth. Digital variants have been printed using complex and ancient machines but learning spells from scrolls is dangerous...
The Noble Knights of the Game Castle, the fetid swamp of Eia Bayou and other Temples of Lamentation have been plumbed to no avail. An exchange of coin for said Grimoire is quickest but bartering has its merits. Lost volumes of Klarkash-Ton, Boxes of Mythos, tablets of emerald, a venerable Bazaar of the Bizarre. Mercy and Remembrance will be extended to all that aid!
@fransica Cruel!
It was that or "From my cold, dead hands!"