Just wanted to thank our own Colin Chapman for the great AS&SH resources again. I'm (lightly) prepping Barrataria's Ruined Hamlet / Terror in the Gloaming for use in AS&SH this weekend (or not, depending). I just ran through quickly and decided on races for all the NPCs that might get interacted with then diced for name, hair, and eye color. If I have time, I'll go back for distinguishing marks. It's, what, 40 pages of adventure text? In 15 mins., I fleshed out every NPC enough to lodge them in the players' heads if they talk to them. Excellent resource.
I mean, it's no Drunken Debauchery, but it's pretty great!
He's a brilliant creator, and I look forward to seeing what he cooks up for Town of Swampgate. Hopefully he'll make it round these parts soon. He had an across-the-globe move about three or four months ago, so his life was in complete upheaval for a while.