Being the Official Discussion Forum for HYPERBOREA®, a role-playing game of swords, sorcery, and weird science-fantasy

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12/24/2019 9:14 am  #1

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

To the amazing folks on the board I wish to give a heartfelt holiday greeting with much hope of a prosperous year filled with success, great health, and good cheer!  Thanks for making this pocket of the internet a friendly one! 

“How can I wear the harness of toil
And sweat at the daily round,
While in my soul forever
The drums of Pictdom sound?” 

12/24/2019 11:41 am  #2

Re: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

mabon5127 wrote:

To the amazing folks on the board I wish to give a heartfelt holiday greeting with much hope of a prosperous year filled with success, great health, and good cheer!  Thanks for making this pocket of the internet a friendly one! 

Indeed: such a splendid game with a great fan-base.

"It is all very well to point out that the man lacks facility; as he asserts, sheer force can overpower sophistication."
Jack Vance, Rhialto the Marvellous

12/24/2019 4:30 pm  #3

Re: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas!

Blackadder23: Insanely long villain soliloquy, then "Your action?"
BORGO'S PLAYER: I shoot him in the face

12/26/2019 6:21 pm  #4

Re: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Yes, happy holidays to all! 2020 is right around the corner, and I still don't have a flying car. The Jetsons were wrong! ;)

HYPERBOREA- A Role-Playing Game of Swords, Sorcery, and Weird Science-Fantasy

12/26/2019 6:50 pm  #5

Re: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

...but I am posting this text through my handheld communicator!

Happy Holidays to all you truly awesome people!!!


Board footera

© 2009-2025 North Wind Adventures, LLC. “HYPERBOREA” is a registered trademark of North Wind Adventures, LLC. “Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea,” “AS&SH,” and all other North Wind Adventures product names and their respective logos are trademarks of North Wind Adventures, LLC in the USA and other countries. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.