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4/30/2018 5:34 am  #21

Re: Holy Idiot of Xathoqqua

Great Npc!  Now how will the players handle this guy? Keep us in the loop.

“How can I wear the harness of toil
And sweat at the daily round,
While in my soul forever
The drums of Pictdom sound?” 

5/12/2018 6:05 pm  #22

Re: Holy Idiot of Xathoqqua

Ember the thief tackled the guy as soon as soon he broke out the tambourine and started singing. The party proceeded to loot the barrow mounds above the dungeon with impressive speed and efficiency, keeping me busy and ensuring I lacked sufficient mental bandwidth to engage in shenanigans. Alas, their haste led to their undoing, as the barbarian inexplicably neglected to heal his wounds before engaging a flock of stirges. He will be missed. 

The holy man, who goes by The Sage, is now going to be a regular in my campaign. 

     Thread Starter

5/12/2018 11:22 pm  #23

Re: Holy Idiot of Xathoqqua

Brock Savage wrote:

The holy man, who goes by The Sage, is now going to be a regular in my campaign. 


re: "The Sage" -- this makes me think that you need to give him a collection of irrelevant, wrong-headed, and bad-logic aphorisms, that he spouts at divinely-inspired moments of ill-timing, preferably in limmerick form, or something equally glib.  He should also be pimpled and young, of course, since he's The Sage. 



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