Local Encounters for traveling from the pass, up the mountain chain, west to the third peak where the sundial fane of Apollo is found.
Every hour of travel or six hours of rest roll 4d6: if no "1"s then no encounter; if one 1 = common; two 1s = uncommon; three or more 1s = rare.
01 Ant, giant
02 Ape-man
03 Ape-man
04 Ape-man
05 Bat, normal
06 Bear, black
07 Bear, brown
08 Bee, giant
09 Falcon
10 Lion, mountain
11 Skeleton
12 Snake, viper
13 Tick, giant
14 Toad, giant
15 Weasel, giant
16 Wight
17 Wolf
18 Zombie
19 Goat, giant, cave*
20 Human, adventurer 2d4+2
01 Ape, albino
02 Ape, mountain
03 Archæopteryx
04 Bat, giant
05 Bear, cave
06 Bird-man
07 Chimæra
08 Eagle, giant
09 Fomorian
10 Griffin
11 Harpy
12 Lizard, giant, chameleon
13 Manticore
14 Minotaur
15 Pegasus
16 Snow-man, abominable
17 Spider, giant, crab/phase/wolf
18 Troll
19 Wyvern
20 Elder thing
01 Ape, albino, superior
02 Cyclops
03 Ghost
04 Hippogriff
05 Minotaur, superior
06 Night-gaunt
07 Spore-man
08 Tentacular Horror
09 3rd lvl priest of Apollo, 1st lvl fighter and 1d12+2 0 lvl followers
10 Man of Leng 1 (if encountered already then change to Human, adventurer 2d4+2)
*Goat, giant, cave (Megamyotragus):
No. Encountered: 1d4 (4d4)
Alignment: Neutral
Size: M
Movement: 50
Dexterity: 15
Armor Class: 7
Hit Dice: 3+1
No. of Attacks: 1 (butt)
Damage: 1d6
Saving Throw: 15
Morale: 7
Experience Points: 90
Treasure: -
+2 to hit with butt
if butted - test of dexterity or 1d4 additional damage and prone;
needs but 10' to affect charge for x2 damage, if hit - extraordinary feat of dexterity or 2d4 additional damage and knocked 10' and prone (if not off the mountainside)
Last edited by Monkeydono (2/14/2018 3:53 am)
Apollon mountain peak sundial fane
Thousands of worn granite steps (4,732) wind round westerly the mountain leading ever steeper to its summit, the base and the apex terminus of the case of stairs on the north face. With seven gold flecked stairs the ascent begins, finding a similar set of seven stairs every several hundred steps (357), eleven more times this pattern repeats (6 total sets are lower then 6 sets higher with a set of golden stairs lacking midway on the south face, a gap of 721 plain grey steps).
Upon attaining the heights facing south, the very pinnacle a sheared granite table 150' in diameter. Dominating the center of the tangential vertex of twelve faded golden circles stabs a translucent white conical spire of unknown material, 7' at the base rising 84'.
Hellenic Greek (Hyperborean nearest dialect) in weathered gold script set in the hewn-smooth stone, betwixt the intersections of gyres, twelve of the thirteen esoteric years (sans the 7th) circuit the middle with Apollo round the outer bands.
{I'll key this once my crew checks it out first...}
Last edited by Monkeydono (2/12/2019 11:52 pm)
Love the cave goat!
lige wrote:
Love the cave goat!
Haha! Thanks!!
Forgot I mixed that critter together late last night (even forgot to add it to the other local mountain random encounter chart for (from?) which it was born!) until you mentioned it!
I believe everything is as ready as it can be for my crew...until we start gaming tomorrow and they decide to trailblaze somewhere I haven't given a spark of thought (as they did last week when midway through the Brittlestone Parapets they about-faced and trekked toward the mountaintop fane, ingrates!)...
ill probably repurpose this post for building upon whatever spring-harebrained goal they'll set themselves on...
Monkeydono wrote:
I believe everything is as ready as it can be for my crew...until we start gaming tomorrow and they decide to trailblaze somewhere I haven't given a spark of thought (as they did last week when midway through the Brittlestone Parapets they about-faced and trekked toward the mountaintop fane, ingrates!)....
...after too two many moons, our fair to middling heroes have once again found themselves on the nearby slopes headed back to the sundial fane of Apollo, hopefully in time to celebrate the approaching Apollonalia...
The string of encounters they, and I, have rolled has made for a great wilderness trek!
In the last couple of days of game-calendar that took place tonight:
-Having tracked Formorians to their mound the party retreated to prepare
-Rested, then on the way to the hill giants, they first avoided a feeding chimæra only then to cross a simi-glaciated field to have 5 Elder things erupt from an ice pocket to ruin their day
-On the return to their cave to lick their wounds for the day, they were snuffed upon by 4 good ol’ trolls
-After a second rare night without incident, they duck an overflying griffin on the trail back to the mound
[quickly dicing a supermini dungeon for the giants from ye ol’ DMG only to roll two 20s in a row, 20 being an encounter, first rolled up a Man of Leng, then to see what might be with it, or possibly separate, waiting for the party if and when they win then exit the mound, lo and behold! rolled up harpies - yay! what a fun team for everyone!]
-they fight 8 Formorians and their chief and, surprisingly, do a tidy job on the giants while sticking to then adapting their plan! The heroes seem to be learning and improving, weird - I’ll need to monitor them for other unusual behavior, they might be up to no-no-good...
We had to call it at that point before there was time to search...then once they leave will begin all of the singing, and the singing leads to the dancing, and the dancing leads to the topless dancing, and then it’s off to the races...!!!
See y’all in the funny pages!
[eduts for speling and clarety, yup]
Last edited by Monkeydono (12/07/2018 5:12 am)
You're back! Huzzah!
Yes nice to see you back! 8 formorions - sounds like your party is getting pretty tough!
Monkeydono wrote:
...after too two many moons, our fair to middling heroes have once again found themselves on the nearby slopes headed back to the sundial fane of Apollo, hopefully in time to celebrate the approaching Apollonalia...
The string of encounters they, and I, have rolled has made for a great wilderness trek!
In the last couple of days of game-calendar that took place tonight:
-Having tracked Formorians to their mound the party retreated to prepare
-Rested, then on the way to the hill giants, they first avoided a feeding chimæra only then to cross a simi-glaciated field to have 5 Elder things erupt from an ice pocket to ruin their day
-On the return to their cave to lick their wounds for the day, they were snuffed upon by 4 good ol’ trolls
-After a second rare night without incident, they duck an overflying griffin on the trail back to the mound
[quickly dicing a supermini dungeon for the giants from ye ol’ DMG only to roll two 20s in a row, 20 being an encounter, first rolled up a Man of Leng, then to see what might be with it, or possibly separate, waiting for the party if and when they win then exit the mound, lo and behold! rolled up harpies - yay! what a fun team for everyone!]
-they fight 8 Formorians and their chief and, surprisingly, do a tidy job on the giants while sticking to then adapting their plan! The heroes seem to be learning and improving, weird - I’ll need to monitor them for other unusual behavior, they might be up to no-no-good...
Awesome! Love all the random encounters (formorians are great too). Laughing out loud at "learning and improving, weird." Haha!
How long did you spend dicing up the supermini dungeon? How many rooms was it? Care to post a pic?
monkeydono wrote:
We had to call it at that point before there was time to search...then once they leave will begin all of the singing, and the singing leads to the dancing, and the dancing leads to the topless dancing, and then it’s off to the races...!!!
See y’all in the funny pages!
Yes, very cool to see this thread brought back to life. Great stuff! I want to play in this campaign!
gizmomathboy wrote:
You're back! Huzzah!
Hiya Joe!
I’ve always been about and using this as a reference when needed...
But we’ve done some of the Diamond Desert[so plz no-talk about it here, thanks!]
lige wrote:
Yes nice to see you back! 8 formorions - sounds like your party is getting pretty tough!
Hey El!!!!
Yes, and the successful execution of attrition and the Formorians were continuously underwhelmed until they were not standing back up...
a roll of 11 for a Keltish taunt at the right moment bought them out in two waves that optimized the wee folks advantage...
Also, to answer your question, too many - 8 PCs 4-5th lvl, 3 henchmen 2-3rd.
Last edited by Monkeydono (12/10/2018 1:30 am)
Chainsaw wrote:
Monkeydono wrote:
...after too two many moons, our fair to middling heroes have once again found themselves on the nearby slopes headed back to the sundial fane of Apollo, hopefully in time to celebrate the approaching Apollonalia...
The string of encounters they, and I, have rolled has made for a great wilderness trek!
In the last couple of days of game-calendar that took place tonight:
-Having tracked Formorians to their mound the party retreated to prepare
-Rested, then on the way to the hill giants, they first avoided a feeding chimæra only then to cross a simi-glaciated field to have 5 Elder things erupt from an ice pocket to ruin their day
-On the return to their cave to lick their wounds for the day, they were snuffed upon by 4 good ol’ trolls
-After a second rare night without incident, they duck an overflying griffin on the trail back to the mound
[quickly dicing a supermini dungeon for the giants from ye ol’ DMG only to roll two 20s in a row, 20 being an encounter, first rolled up a Man of Leng, then to see what might be with it, or possibly separate, waiting for the party if and when they win then exit the mound, lo and behold! rolled up harpies - yay! what a fun team for everyone!]
-they fight 8 Formorians and their chief and, surprisingly, do a tidy job on the giants while sticking to then adapting their plan! The heroes seem to be learning and improving, weird - I’ll need to monitor them for other unusual behavior, they might be up to no-no-good...Awesome! Love all the random encounters (formorians are great too). Laughing out loud at "learning and improving, weird." Haha!
Indeed, brave new world, I’ll give em’ another week or three to regress...
chainsaw wrote:
How long did you spend dicing up the supermini dungeon? How many rooms was it? Care to post a pic?
TinyPicts (or Orcweb) hates me so can’t upload a pic atm...
It was about 16-20 rolls for the shortened dungeon then all the roll for stocking a giant lair...(stuff PCs wouldn’t understand...) so about five minutes...!
Time to get even with the PCs...
Chainsaw wrote:
monkeydono wrote:
We had to call it at that point before there was time to search...then once they leave will begin all of the singing, and the singing leads to the dancing, and the dancing leads to the topless dancing, and then it’s off to the races...!!!
See y’all in the funny pages!Haha!
Hey Chainsaw! How’s your cullings., er, gamings going?
Last edited by Monkeydono (12/10/2018 2:14 am)
Ghul wrote:
Yes, very cool to see this thread brought back to life. Great stuff! I want to play in this campaign!
GaryCon pickup game someday/year? I’m honored by the idea, thanks Jeff!
I’ve got em scared of non-encounter daytime bat encounter that “we have to do a sweep for moldmen or we’re doomed!!!”{not verbatim}
But I got em jumping at their nonvegen balanced yet undead breakfasts, so I have that going for me...
Ugh, if it seemed I was dicing on the Drunken Debauchery tables in those responses, I was, sorry. Suddenly, distractions abounded...
Our crew has had a great run since these starting adventures (after Rats! run by another).
First was Ghost ship, I ran Calencia for Bealltainn then a third guy ran the rest (and since we will probably go back to explore more in the future, please no spoilers).
Upon return to Khromarium only to find the Eel and the surrounding buildings quarantined due to an extreme rat infestation that they are required to clean up or face fines and/or imprisonment. So they clear out a fully stocked wererat lair handily to reclaim their basement abode in the Eel.
Then on to the Sightless Serpent which was a fairly quick affair for least I petrified one of them!
On their return, I made them fight Xxubleks, with the innkeeper so happy to see them so they can take care of the ooze bubbling up in the sub basement...
On their ascent on the other side of the pocket dimensions, they exit into the basement of a local gang/thieves guild cell, slap the snot out of the dozen having a meeting...
Takes the thieves about a month to track them then a week or two to wait for the right time and place then try to kill jus over half of them (the fewest that they see them at), the party, surprisingly, fully survives that fight with an opening assassin attempt and multiple poisings!
At this point the party has a rep so most mundane city encounters are moot...
Plutonia happens and they mostly hide, rrrr...
Monk talks to an Archæopteryx that flies in to the Eel, starts to nest there and peeps start calling the joint the Cock-N-Eel.
After nearly a year of game-calendar, they return to the Hut Top & Dock-fort region with new info they have studied and learned to finish the two low lvl modules, which they did.
Now they’re on the snow-choked slopes of the penultimate mount before the one capped with the Sundial fane to Apollo...and the approach of Apollonallia...!!!
I’ll post the deets in that later...
[new add:]
Also, to test out a potential cast of henchmen, we ran a crew of 1st lvls up to the Black Moss-Hag to pay her a discreet visit before dealing with your odd Roman degenerate, which was right before they all set oar and sail for Dock-fort and Hut Top.
Last edited by Monkeydono (12/11/2018 10:09 pm)
Hey Chainsaw! Here’s a map of the mini dungeon I rolled up from dmg skipping the elaborate beginnings offered and starting with 20’x20’x30’tall scale halls as the base:
Last edited by Monkeydono (12/11/2018 8:22 pm)
(one of the best children’s books I’ve seen)
Weapons: music and merrymaking!
Last edited by Monkeydono (12/21/2018 10:40 pm)
<<etched in the wall near the dais and throne>>
Found most of times
In but lowly climes
Must feast on beasts
Gots thick bones, it climbs
Though, some do say
In lofty Array
To sky, it flies
With wings, to hunt prey
Interesting tome, Monkeydono: what is it? Echidna is a favorite Greek figure of mine!