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Convention and Game Day » Gary Con X (2018) » 3/05/2018 11:03 pm

Replies: 287

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Ar'Pharazon wrote:

Not to pile on but I just got some work meetings for the Monday afterwards that I have no choice but to make. So I'm now going to have to head home after my SL game ends at 2pm and I won't be able to run Descent into Krimmea Sunday night. 
Iron, DMAngelo and Stahlnee, my apologies for having to cancel on you. I wasn't expecting these meetings with these particular folks but when these types set something, I need to make it. 

Its all good. You do what you gotta do.

Convention and Game Day » Gary Con X (2018) » 1/12/2018 1:29 pm

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Definitely interesting in the Sunday evening game. Will most likely be at the bar grabbing a bite and beverages after 4pm on Sunday.

Convention and Game Day » Gamehole V (2017) » 7/05/2017 9:07 pm

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Yeap. Part set and part free flow. Ran it once at Nexus Game Fair and the group had a blast. The group only had 2 combats where in the end 4 of 6 were munched. Ran in 3hr 30mins

The first chapter of a multi chapter story. Running first chapter through GaryCon X (if I can fit in, otherwise will run it once or two offgrid) and then will start running the second chapter starting next Spring. Figure a new chapter each year.

Description (overall story)
Passed down through generations is the story of a group of individuals foretold as rediscovering the fabled Royal Library containing the complete knowledge and wisdom of ancient Hyperborean’s. This story is the basis for a variety of rumors and legends told by parents to their offspring to impart their tribal morals and ethics. Consequently, this cycle has repeated itself over the past millennia. As discovered during a teaching exercise where your teacher whispers a phrase into one child’s ear and then the child does same to the next. This process continues between each child in the entire class. When the last child speaks aloud the phrase, the phrase spoken is drastically different than what the teacher originally whispered.

Recently your group has had a consultation with the witch Laveau. During the consultation, the witch Laveau channeled an ancient Hyperborean whom was discussing with their teacher the futile nature of spending years making written records. The teacher explains to the student that after a civilization is extinct, the only thing that exists proving your existence is the written record.

Chapter description provide at the start of the event.

Convention and Game Day » Gamehole V (2017) » 7/04/2017 11:22 pm

Replies: 80

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Ghul wrote:

OK my friends, who is running a game of AS&SH, and when?

There is a chance we might be able to lock down our own dedicated space at the con, where all our events will be run from, which is super cool! 

And does anyone who is running an event at Game Hole V need an official AS&SH Referee T-shirt? You should be dressed for success! ;)

Jeff T.


Submitted Shooting Star Watcher for 8am-12pm on Friday and Saturday. Both have been approved.

I did not preface it with Hyperborea in the title of the event.

Adventures » Shooting Star Watcher » 4/01/2017 5:47 pm

Replies: 6

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Putting together an adventure to run at GHC V and possibly GaryCon X.

The player summary is:
Passed down through generations is the story of a group of individuals foretold as rediscovering the fabled Royal Library containing the complete knowledge and wisdom of ancient Hyperboreans. This story is the basis for a variety of rumors and legends told by parents to their offspring to impart their tribal morals and ethics. Consequently, this cycle has repeated itself over the past millennia. As discovered during a teaching exercise where your teacher whispers a phrase into one child’s ear and then the child does same to the next. This process continues between each child in the entire class. When the last child speaks aloud the phrase, the phrase spoken is drastically different than what the teacher originally whispered.

Recently your group has had a consultation with the witch Laveau. During the consultation, the witch Laveau channeled an ancient Hyperborean whom was discussing with their teacher the futile nature of spending years making written records. The teacher explains to the student that after a civilization is extinct, the only thing that exists proving your existence is the written record. Asking questions after the channeling, the witch Laveau instructs you on following shooting stars to guide your journey.

Following the shooting stars you have been on a journey to the west and have overcome a variety of hardships and gained invaluable experiences. Recently your journey has taken you into the Plain of Leng. After several weeks of traveling you have decided to spend a couple of days recovering in the town of Poteet.
Question: Does this sound like an event you would like to play in?

Question: Does this violate any AS&SH canon?

Thank you,

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