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Comic Books and Graphic Novels » CONAN back at Marvel » 4/13/2019 5:24 pm

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I've not been overly impressed with the new Marvel Conan material, but I've been following the first few issues. Gives me some game ideas, if nothing else.

I did treat myself to their new Savage Sword of Conan Omnibus, and that's just a fantastic collection of the classic magazines - comics, articles, etc. 

Announcements » HYPERBOREA: Players' Manual, Referee's Screen, and more! » 4/11/2019 7:47 pm

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Mine arrived this morning, out in foggy northern California. All safely packed, and looking very sweet!


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My copies arrived the other day (well protected). Very pleased as a backer - very pleased. Love the covers.

Rules Discussion » House Rules? » 1/19/2015 7:08 pm

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So, based on yesterday's one person game, my house rules worked out as:

* Warlock can have a familiar
* Warlock can cast a spell through familiar
* Warlock can make Concentration check and cast through a familiar while paralyzed.

I'm not sure I'd use them long term (esp. that last two), but they worked out well enough for the PC (and just).

Adventures » Swordish & Sorcerous adventure ideas from other games and sources » 1/18/2015 10:04 pm

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The adventure played out really well. All said and done, we went for about three hours - picking up in a nasty dive tavern towards the north end of things, and ending with the PC cashing in on a half-century old unclaimed reward for the head of a necromancer.

The adventure worked well with little embellishment or change-over. As always, a DM's sharp eye is needed to make sure all the descriptions, etc. come together. I used AS&SH monster stats whenever possible (for all of them, I think).

It was pretty tough for a single PC (with one 0 FA hireling). 

Adventures » Swordish & Sorcerous adventure ideas from other games and sources » 1/18/2015 5:27 pm

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I'm really glad if it helps you out! I'm looking at using the search for the Necrimancer as a seed in one form or another (him, his crypt, books, etc.). The first PC just rolled up ... Melnebonian ... er, Hyperborean Warlock. ;) Maybe a quest to steal some forgotten, forbidden spell book.

Chainsaw wrote:

Perfect, thanks Brian! At the moment, I am in need of something just like this and for just this level range, so the timing is perfect. I have used a few different Advanced Adventure modules in the past. Naturally, some are better than others, but in this case, I think it will be a helpful starting point regardless.

Adventures » Swordish & Sorcerous adventure ideas from other games and sources » 1/18/2015 2:34 pm

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I'm flipping through Expeditious Retreat Press' AA25: Beneath the Heart of Empire at the moment. This one seems like a good reskin / reset to AS&SH. It's a sewer crawl beneath a mighty city that's seen better days (and built up over itself).

I think moving it to Khromarium seems easy enough.

General Discussion » A Red and Pleasant Land » 1/13/2015 2:23 pm

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I think Red & Pleasant Land would make a very interesting Dreamlands location in an AS&SH Hyperborian campaign.

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