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Announcements » Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea 2nd Edition » 9/05/2016 10:33 am

Replies: 266

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This is so cool and long awaited! Looking forward to seeing the Kickstarter!

General Discussion » 82,944 Premade Starting Characters for AS&SH » 2/16/2015 6:06 am

Replies: 29

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Really cool Blackadder! I feel like i'm out of it (this forum) for a little while and suddenly there is this huge treasure waiting for me when i come back. Thanks! (Now i have to try and get a ASSH game together again).

Adventures » Trying to make an oldschool dungeon » 7/23/2014 12:23 pm

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I just want to say there is a lot of great links and advice in this thread! Thanks guys!

Hyperborea » An Apollonalia » 7/13/2014 10:42 am

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I like this. Sounds like the same feel i would want from a Hyperborean festival in my game.
I feel like playing around with Viking-inspired versions of some of the festivals now. My players are off to Vikland next.

Hyperborea » Xathoqqua Worship » 7/11/2014 8:28 am

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I've only considered Xathoqqua worship in one of the Brigand Bay towns of my campaign. In this town the high priest was the local strongman manipulating other factions in the town. He was however challenged from within by another Xathoqquan sub-sect or religious fraction that used his unwillingness to root out a rival cult (followers of Kthulhu) as an excuse to depose him (the PC's at that point had allied themselves with the rival cult and the power shift required them to leave the town in a hurry )

To me the chaotic nature of Xathoqqua is not always apparent in his worshippers. They can build power (for good or bad) within the mundane world (as long as they pay their dues to the Toad himself). Perhaps his chaotic nature is best described in the multitude of ways his worshippers behave.

I see the lack of overarching political and cultural structures in Hyperbora as conducive to local variations and syncretisism with many local deities and dæmons posing as, or being fronts for, the gods who (mostly) remain hidden. To me this take brings together the Lovecraftian (i suppose) notion of the gods as distinct, yet powerful and unintelligible, beings (and not some vague force with a portfolio) and the sword-and-sorcery trope of having a plentitude of mad priests/sorcerers who serves some kind of "god" at almost every turn.

Literary Inspirations » Herodotus Histories and other historical books » 6/30/2014 2:18 pm

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Well i suppose joseph beat me to it, but i also find much inspiration from old norse litterature. Especially perhaps the Poetic Edda, Heimskringla and other sagas. Some of the themes from ths litterature are also taken into various Norwegian folk and fairy-tales.

I would also like to mention various Arthurian tales, from medieval versions to the romances of Le Morte D'Arthur.

There is no doubt in my mind that the mythological and historical litterature are the gound that modern fantasy.is founded upon.

General Discussion » AFS 5 - a call out for writers/submissions » 6/18/2014 1:19 pm

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This looks really amazing. I'm hoping AFS 1-4 will be back in print soon as i'm looking to order all of them.

Literary Inspirations » The Star wars Icelandic Saga » 5/20/2014 3:52 pm

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Thanks for this RedJowel! This looks like a lot of fun. Surprised me how well my Old Norse held up aswell.

My dad is going to like this too. He is a retired teacher and thought Old Norse at the high school level. Probably would be easier to motivate the pupils if he had the Stars Wars angle ;).

Rules Discussion » Combat Sequence Initative » 5/07/2014 2:20 am

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I'm sure Jeff will give a more definitive answer, but i've generally not allowed Figthers with more than one attack to do anything else between their attacks (except maybe switch targets in certain situations). Two-weapon fighting not been an issue so far, but i think i would go the same way.

The combat sequence has taken some getting used to by my players but now they've adapted fairly well and have began adapting their tactics as well. As a DM i love the system as it makes fights a much less monotonous affair, the secuence around the table adapting to the situation and the tactics used. It is also easier for me to make ad-hoc rulings if the situation or just the drama and fun of a situation demands it.

General Discussion » The Character Sheet of Wondrous Automation » 5/05/2014 4:05 am

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I don't get the Weapon drop-down either. And Feat of Str doesn't appear, though hovering the mouse over it shows the correct precentage. I'm using Excel 2007. Maybe that could be the problem?

General Discussion » Have fun storming the castle » 5/05/2014 3:19 am

Replies: 9

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That was amazing. I might have to use your pictures to challenge one of my own players ;). 

General Discussion » The Character Sheet of Wondrous Automation » 5/04/2014 3:42 pm

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Thank you, Maezar! This is an awesome tool!

Announcements » Quick Start Equipment Menu for AS&SH » 4/28/2014 1:56 pm

Replies: 7

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Nice! I'm sure this will see much use Thanks Blackadder and Ghul!

Music » Inspiring Metal Music » 4/26/2014 4:42 pm

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Thanks Chainsaw! Witchcraft is going on my phone. Done deal.

Artistic Inspirations » Buscema » 4/26/2014 4:40 pm

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Very sweet indeed! You just convinced me to find my Savage Sword of Conan books and do some bedside reading tonight.

General Discussion » Alignment in your game » 4/25/2014 12:06 pm

Replies: 26

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Chainsaw wrote:

 You create a PC and pick an alignment, then make your PC behave within the generalconstraints of the alignment as understood/accepted by our group.

This pretty well sums up my current approach aswell.

Yora wrote:

I've been thinking about introducing the original Law-Chaos alignment for my game.

To me the law-chaos alignment axis always made more sense to me than the good-evil (or ethical) axis. I think this is because it resonates so well from the mythological sources that i always use as an inspiration when i'm writing or playing within the fantasy genre.

I see law basically as adherence (or even community) and chaos as transgression. Both of which can be both good and evil depending on degree and circumstances. In a game i think this could describe a PC's preference towards one end of the spectrum, both i would always encourage player's to make desicions based on how they feel their PC would see the situation.

General Discussion » Sources of XP » 4/25/2014 5:29 am

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Blackadder23 wrote:

Gold in D&D obviously represents a proxy for all the activities undertaken to gain it.

I find the use of treasure XP-rewards as a proxy quite elegant as well. It took me many years to realize and ASSH was intrumental in making me see that particular light. Now, i'm not anti-story in any sense, though i would say i'm anti-railroad (but that is a different discussion).

I basically use awards for defeating (i.e not neccessarily fighting) monsters, treasure and attendance awards as a base (probably around 3/4 of total XP) combined with ad hoc rewards for campaign goals, roleplaying, problem solving and so on. My players seem quite satisfied with this. I think they view the XP-awards as more "objective" than they really are and that the story itself is its own reward.

As for sucking up to the DM... i give them XP awards for helping me move aswell... Because the game isn't that serious.  

Literary Inspirations » Henry Treece? » 4/18/2014 5:04 am

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Handy Haversack wrote:

I'm trying to think of what it is in Arthurian legend that could produce so much musk . . . the Questing Beast? . . . Lancelot?!

I would say Lancelot... 

Echoing Ghul; i don't know the book or the author either. But i would love to, so i hope some of the esteemed gentlemen on this forum knows something. I found it was available through Amazon, so i just might get it from seeing the cover.

Play-by-Post » The Black Monolith - Venvig Bardsdottier » 4/16/2014 3:15 pm

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Venvig pulls her dagger and tries to cut and pry the plank further apart to open the gap some more before attempting to squeeze through.

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