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General Discussion » The Character Sheet of Wondrous Automation » 2/25/2015 5:02 pm

Replies: 89

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Sheets look good! Nice to see real data instead of dummy data. I fixed those details you mentioned.

Looks like you definitely do not have the suggested font installed. Let me know if I can help with that.

Swordsmen & Sorcerers » Alignments of Spell-Using Subclasses? ("Official" Answer) » 2/21/2015 2:06 pm

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I've got the CSOWA updated with these clarifications. Watch for beta 1.14 soon.

PS: Where can I learn about these "ice" classes?

General Discussion » The Character Sheet of Wondrous Automation » 2/16/2015 12:24 pm

Replies: 89

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Some other abbreviations:

t — turn
CT — Casting Time  (so, for example: CT:6t = Casting time 6 turns)
AOE — Area of Effect
Init. — Initiative


General Discussion » The Character Sheet of Wondrous Automation » 2/16/2015 12:15 pm

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All of this will be released as beta 1.14

PS: Handy, just a quick note for any future spell descriptions, "save vs. sorcery" is abbreviated "SV:Sor" by the sheet.

General Discussion » The Character Sheet of Wondrous Automation » 2/12/2015 1:57 pm

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Excellent. I will copy/paste these into the sheet. 

General Discussion » The Character Sheet of Wondrous Automation » 2/09/2015 9:41 pm

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I've tested Trauma Survival for every CON score and it always fits here. Not sure what could be up, but I gave it an extra few pixels for the next build.

General Discussion » The Character Sheet of Wondrous Automation » 2/09/2015 7:51 pm

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8 1/2 x 14 is probably not in the cards. I have had some nice experiences using 11x17, offering each player  a "folio."

General Discussion » The Character Sheet of Wondrous Automation » 2/09/2015 7:50 pm

Replies: 89

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Monk: fixed
Cataphract: fixed.

Not sure what you mean about armor and shields.  I'm seeing full dropdowns for each under the ARMOUR CLASS area.


Adventures » New Masthead for AS&SH (Adventures + Game) » 9/22/2014 2:10 pm

Replies: 44

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The top line doesn't seem quite right to me. Maybe it is the fact that it has a light outline in comparison to the main line?  Also, the main headline seems more comic book than pulp, if I may draw a distinction.

I prefer your original, which has a more period feel and is easier to read.

Rules Discussion » Ascending AC » 8/26/2014 7:12 pm

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Well, on second thought, I don't want to alienate. The purpose of the sheet is to broaden the game's audience. And who cares what people do in the privacy of their own games? I can probably add this option. Did we decide what the math looks like?

General Discussion » Roll 20? » 8/18/2014 8:40 pm

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I'm asking those of you who may use this site: what would it take to get AS&SH listed at Roll20? Is some work required? Custom programming? Can we make this happen?

Rules Discussion » Ascending AC » 8/16/2014 2:41 pm

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I don't get many emails about the character sheet, but of the ones that have come, a small majority included the request for a toggle switch somewhere to enable 3E style positive AC. 

I don't think I'll ever do this though. 

Announcements » Retooled North Wind Logo » 7/12/2014 1:44 pm

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My favorite is this one, which was hidden in the 9-up.
It uses the typeface from the original logo, which I thought of as very pulp era.



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