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Convention and Game Day » Gary Con XII (2020) » 3/14/2019 5:00 pm

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I also called right at 9am Central and ended up on the waiting list.  GCXII is going to be really big.  

Convention and Game Day » Gary Con XI (2019) » 3/12/2019 6:21 pm

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I had a blast at GaryCon this last weekend!  it was fun to meet a few of you and play in Tim Deschene's (forgive me if I misspelled) event "Black Moss Hag of Lug" on Thrusday Night.  Likewise it was totally cool to talk for a couple of minutes to Jeffrey himself, and get my blue foil tome signed.  I hope I'm fortunate enough to run into you all a bunch at future shows!

Speaking of which, looking forward to those future shows, I'll be certain to add the HYPERBOREA tag to my Event Titles.  I think my event "The Orichalcum Vault" got lost in the flood of events due to the lack of said title.  I only had one lonely player signed up, and instead of running the adventure, I held a 4 hour Dungeon Mastering seminar for him.  Still good times, but not the event I prepared for.

I hope to see more of the community soon.  I do enjoy ASSH, and it compliments my playing style.  I hope the rest of you had fun in Lake Geneva too!

P.S.  Big shout out to Bjorn!  I'm always thrilled to see younger adventurers at the table during conventions, especially in games like Hyperborea and at Conventions like GaryCon.  I'm glad there is a next generation coming up to take the torch.

Convention and Game Day » Gary Con XI (2019) » 2/11/2019 3:09 pm

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To all the Hyperboreans attending Gary Con next month!  If you're still looking for a game on Thursday from 10 till 4, there are seats available for Event #55 - The Orichalcum Vault

Looking forward to meeting some of you in Lake Geneva!

Convention and Game Day » Gary Con XI (2019) » 1/10/2019 1:58 pm

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There's a bunch of Hyperborea running at GaryCon XI!  I'll be running #55 The Orichalcum Vault on Thursday from 10 am - 4 pm in Forum A (Back).  I picked up my tome at GCX last year and I'm looking very forward to meeting a few of y'all at the tables. Just.. beware the Shining... especially when it's the only light in a deep dark place.

Rules Discussion » Test of Int, Wis, or Charisma, Extraordinary Feat of Same » 7/17/2018 7:00 pm

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Using Attribute-Based roles as the sole determinant of success or failure of a puzzle is a bit simplistic for my tastes.  However, player knowledge and ingenuity can threaten to make their character's attributes less of a value of how the character actually is in game play.  Not all of us are experienced enough actors or role-players to play down to an attribute below the gifts they naturally possess, and it is a feat in and of itself to play up to an attribute beyond the player's capacity.  Very few of us can make the type of connections and leaps of brilliance that would come from a character with a mental attribute at the highest ends of the scale.  Having a scaled chance can reflect that even is one, as a player, doesn't have the persona that can inspire legions, or charm the coldest heart, their Bard with an 18 CHA does, and there is a "chance in six" that reflects that ability.  For those attempts that fall far beyond mortal ken, The extraordinary Feat % provides a very handy gauge of what a high ability score means.

This, of course doesn't and shouldn't preclude good roleplaying and good game mastering.   The goal is to have fun, feel awesome, and overcome challenges.  The less often the dice are needed as a randomizer helps to maintain immersion.  Still, with the Physical Attributes it is, correctly I might add, considered impractical to measure a character's success or failure based on the player's ability.

I'm not arguing that the RAW be changed, the game is lovely as it stands. 

I've been gaming long enough to recognize in some of the responses to this thread, the echoes of bad experiences.  Games and nights where less experienced players or GMs have allowed the dice to dictate rather than inspire the action of the adventure.  I may have rambled too long, but I'll finish by saying Thank You to everyone for your responses and Insights, they are indeed much appreciated.

Rules Discussion » Test of Int, Wis, or Charisma, Extraordinary Feat of Same » 7/15/2018 9:29 pm

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I ran a playtest of AS&SoH this afternoon, and presented players with a puzzle for their characters to solve.  I asked the *literate* characters for a Test of Intelligence, slipping unknowingly into my habits from 5th ed D&D and similar games I've run over the last few years, and we were a little surprised to discover that the non-physical attributes have no such feature.  It was a simple enough matter to add the Tests and Extraordinary Feats based on the Physical attributes and move on.  But it got me wondering... as designers, why were these attributes not included?  What was your design intent for the mechanic to be used instead?  Has anyone else been houseruling Tests and Feats this way, and if so, what has been your experience?

Campaign » The Eternal Champion Campaign in Hyperborea (or any AS&SoH setting) » 5/31/2018 2:06 pm

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Check it out!  I've written a blog to help our community with designing exciting campaigns in the struggle of Law against Chaos

Literary Inspirations » Michael Moorcock » 5/29/2018 1:27 pm

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Ghul wrote:

Well, tastes vary, of course. Personally, I'm afraid I must count myself among those who enjoy the original 6 (collected) Elric books best, the collection with the Robert Gould covers. I finished Dream Thief's Daughter, gave it some thought, and decided I cared for it about as much as I cared for Fortress of the Pearl and Revenge of the Rose. I didn't hate it. It was just . . . okay. Too much dialog, too much philosophizing, not enough blood and souls for my Lord Arioch. It had its moments, certainly, which is why I kept reading. Hey, I understand and appreciate that the writer is older, has matured, and his tastes and outlook for the Eternal Champion have changed with the passage of decades. For me, I prefer Michael Moorcock's writing when it was less polished, full of energy, and punched you in the gut. 

​I very much agree there.  His early work reflects his creative energy at that time in his life.  Touring with Rock Bands, thumbing his nose at the Establishment, giving the finger to straights and squares alike.  Elric was a Force in those books.  There wasn't any time for deep philosophical dives.  Michael was writing a blood-feuled action-adventure with drugs and sex and a Metal soundtrack.

In the latter books, the reflection that he adds slow Elric down, and it doesn't feel consistent.  I think that's why we see a rise of another aspect of the Eternal Champion in Ulrich Von Beck and Ravensbrand.  There is a strong parallel (and whether that parallel is intentional or not, is unclear to me) between Ulrich and Ravensbrand, Elric and Stormbringer and their rivalry/enmity with Gaynor and the runeswords he covets and Yyrkoon and Mournblade.   

​Still, and keeping with the spirit of the forums, and most importantly how this all relates to AS&SoH, there remains a mountain of inspiration in Mike's work.  I'd argue that the deeper, more philosophical stories that he's written since the late 90s, would be a grea

Literary Inspirations » Michael Moorcock » 5/28/2018 1:58 pm

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Fortress of the Pearl almost made me cry.  Having read all six of the original Elric paperbacks during my teen years.  When Oone says her last lines in the book.. I found that moment so heart-wrenching.  I would recommend to anyone just now discovering Elric to read the books in the order they are published, rather than their chronological order in-world.  Moorcock doesn't use a grand worldbuilding plan in his Elric stories, and thus, Fortress of the Pearl seems out of place when read after the events of Elric of Melnibone.  Indeed, the Dream-realms and Dreamthieves are introduced in Fortress, but are only expanded upon and revisited in the novels written afterwards.  Elric also develops as a character differently in these later novels (which, we have to consider that Moorcock wrote them fifteen years after he finished the last stories of the original Saga, which were written out-of-sync as well).  Fortress is a reintroduction to a newer development of Elric, and the books that follow are written in a more mature way, with the experience and perspective that only years worth of craft can give to a writer.

Literary Inspirations » Michael Moorcock » 5/25/2018 1:48 pm

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Ghul wrote:

Very nice! I'm reading The Dreamthief's Daughter for the first time, and I'm enjoying it quite a bit. It's been a slow read, because I've been reading two other books at the same time, but I'm at the climax of the story now. I'd like to hear more about how you plan to include the Eternal Champion in your Hyperborea. Because I've considered the same in my own campaign a few times before, but ultimately I felt that if he is 1) a PC, he steals the show, and the rest of the PCs are relegated to less meaningful roles, or 2) as an NPC, the same problem, except now the entire PC party is insignificant as compared to the NPC who does all the most important / pivotal things. 

My answer turned into a blog ​I hope it answers your question.  My point is that as the GM, you have the authority to regulate how important the characters are to your story.  And yes, it is very easy to let the Eternal Champion dominate the story.  But it's not an insurmountable problem.  After all, while Elric is carving Stormbringer through the Beggar Horde from Nadsokor, Moonglum is right there at his back, and When Hawkmoon leads the charge against Huon and the hosts of Londra, D'Averc breaks away to find Countess Flana during the battle.  

Literary Inspirations » Michael Moorcock » 5/24/2018 5:57 pm

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Elric will ever be my favorite.  All of my Tabletop Campaigns, be they Fantasy, Sci-fi, Superhero or Pulp call back to the Eternal Champion.  Mike's characters are so vibrant and engaging, and he plots at a manic pace, creating whole armies, only to break them in a matter of pages. 

Moorcock introduced me to the Multiverse, and I introduced my own children to the same with my well-loved yellowed paperbacks.  The kids' mom gave me a t-shirt with Michael Whelan's cover from Stormbringer on it  I wore that shirt until it fell apart, and even after kept the rags because of that picture.

​Y'all better BELIEVE that there is an Eternal Champion in my Hyperborea setting!

Convention and Game Day » Gary Con XI (2019) » 5/24/2018 1:44 pm

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I got my room booked and will be running a session or two over the weekend. For those of you who have run Hyperborea at conventions in the past.  Is it a practical option to let players generate their characters at the table?  So far my test runs with vic.. err.. "volunteers" have averaged 45 minutes or so using a printout of Book 1.

General Discussion » AS&SH Referee's Screen (Official) » 5/24/2018 12:44 pm

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My preferred GM Screen is a 4 panel landscape Layout.
In the top Center eyeline I would like Table 77: Light Sources, Table 62: Armored Sorcery,Table 78: Task Resolution and Table 85: Reactions
Also on the Center two panels I would like Table 87; Attack Roll Modifiers and Table 88: Armor Class Modifiers.  On one of the outside panels I want Table 89, 90, 91 and 92 for all of the combat sequences.   and Table 97: Two Weapon Fighting
on the other Outside panel I would like Tables 1-6 for Ability Score Quick Reference, Table 100: Item Saving Throws and Table 96: Advanced Combat Options.

On the Player facing side of the screen, I would want a reprint of Table 77, Table 43: Unskilled Weapon Attack Penalty, the Combat Sequence Tables (89-92) and Table 96

That is my *very rough* first draft of a wish list. 

Board footera

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