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General Discussion » Anyone use Judges Guild? » 8/26/2018 8:47 pm

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I'm about to use The Illhiedran Book in my current Gal Hills campaign.  It's a bear for such a little thing, but I'll somehow manage, I think.

Campaign » Gal Hills Campaign » 8/26/2018 6:59 pm

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I know it’s been nearly a year since I started this journal I’ve decided to pick the game up again.  I had tried to use the Mythic GM Emulator, but I’m not quite smart enough to make it work for me, so I laid the whole thing down.  Fast forward and I find these Rory’s Story Cubes via a solo gaming G+ group and they have worked much better for me.  After looking around my home for different games to try them with with no luck, I remembered I had this AS&SH game in limbo.  I feel much more comfortable with the campaign now, so I did a quick session to see how my flashy new dice worked out.

To continue the saga of Brann MaccMorann and Caia…

Several days after leaving Canabri, the pair hear a piercing howl cut through the daylit plains.  Wanting to see what was going on without rushing headlong into the unknown, they ride cautiously toward what they would discover to be the sounds of a one-sided battle.  Feasting on the remains of what looked like a small adventuring party was a huge half-owl, half-bear thing, seemingly unaware of the couple’s presence.  Off to the side of the grizzly scene was what appeared to be the ruins of a small shrine.

Knowing that one they moved the creature would probably pick up on them, Brann loaded his crossbow and fired a shot, wounding the owlbear!  With a shriek, it charged them.  Brann was able to fire off one or two more shots, but neither hit their mark.  After that the beast crashed into the Kelt, swiping a claw to his side and biting his horse’s leg off, sending the creature toppling over on top of the fighter!  Things looked grim, but Caia distracted the owlbear long enough to let Brann pull himself from under his horse’s corpse and kill it.

Thoroughly mauled, Brann limped his way to the open shrine and started bandaging his wounds.  Meanwhile, Caia searched the bodies, finding only a few pieces of electrum and a map!  After Brann was sure his insides wouldn’t ooze out of his wounds, they loo

Announcements » Second Edition AS&SH Hardbacks Have Arrived! » 11/18/2017 6:02 pm

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Lucky number 565 is apparently lucky number 365.  How do I know?  Because it arrived today!  Woo!  I was worried that I wouldn't be able to use it because of its weight, but it's surprisingly light.  I'm definitely a happy boy.

Announcements » Second Edition AS&SH Hardbacks Have Arrived! » 11/13/2017 8:17 pm

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Got my confirmation e-mail today!  Lucky number 565 is on its way!  Time to get back to my Gal Hills campaign.

Swordsmen & Sorcerers » Demihumans! » 11/01/2017 2:35 pm

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I have to admit that one of the reasons I like AS&SH is that there are no demihumans attached to it.  I may still port in faeries, but the scary ones from Grimm's Fairy Tales, not the LotR kind.

Campaign » Gal Hills Campaign » 11/01/2017 2:32 pm

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Glad you liked it.  It didn't seem very Hyperborean to me, but I'll get the flavor as I go.

Campaign » The Blackmarshes and Beyond: » 11/01/2017 2:29 pm

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Druvas wrote:

Wow, this is very good work. Love your integrated maps!

+1.  Those are slick!

Campaign » Gal Hills Campaign » 11/01/2017 4:50 am

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Chainsaw wrote:

1970 wrote:

After owning the AS&SH box set for a few years I’m finally starting a campaign using it.  It’s a little intimidating, as I haven’t run anything in a number of years

Sounds exciting, man! If you have any questions, we’ll all be happy to help. Keep the posts coming, as well. Like I told measuredrums, people might not always respons, but you have more readers than you think.

1970 wrote:

As I mentioned in another thread, this will be a solo game

How does that work, 1970? You set up scenarios, run the PCs through it as would make sense and roll for both sides?

1970 wrote:

Bran Macc Morann, a 1st level Neutral Male Keltic Fighter, whose village was sacked during the recent Winter.  To survive he’s become a mercenary, traveling wherever the winds take him.

Caia, a 1st level Neutral Female Common Legerdemainist, who serves an Ixian Magician in Brigand Bay.  She’s searching the Gal Hills for a reliquary, one of the Teeth of Dahlver-Nar, to bring back to her master.

Sounds like a classic combo!

1970  wrote:

Wish me luck!

Good luck!

Right now the solo game is working pretty much as you guessed.  Scarlet Heroes has an engine for running a small number of characters through most modules while giving them a reasonable chance for survival.  Aside from the mechanical aspects of the game, everything else is currently completely self-driven narrative.  I write the story as the game progresses so long as it makes sense.  Eventually I'll add a simple oracle to add more randomness to the game as opposed to storytelling, but right now everything is working out all right.

And thanks for your well wishes!

Announcements » Second Edition AS&SH Hardbacks Have Arrived! » 10/31/2017 12:25 pm

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That's an awesome pic measuredrums!  I love seeing stuff like that.  Still, I have to agree with bat: you're in hernia country there if you're not careful.  Remember to lift with your legs!

Campaign » Gal Hills Campaign » 10/31/2017 11:46 am

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After arriving back at Canabri, the worried and crestfallen villagers rejoiced at the Druid’s return, though their joy was tinged with sadness and even a little anger.  They had lost much, even with what they thought was Yoon’Deh’s blessing.  Eventually they even told Taran as such, though it was with guarded tongues.  Her blessings may not be infinite the Druid counseled, but asked instead if they would rather risk the goddess’ wrath by both denying her sacrifice and simultaneously profaning her.  Those doubting villagers decided that placation would be the better part of valor, and started preparing the sacrificial boar.
The rest of the night was spent in subdued religious observance and feasting.  While the battle was won and a good portion of the village was saved, the wounds were obviously too fresh to make this a happy ending.  In fact, the only thing that seemed to console them was the brutally detailed tale of the brigands’ demise.  The final satisfaction was Dughall’s satisfied nod as he drowned his sorrows in ale.
During the pair’s recuperation, they spoke frequently with Taran.  For his part, he admits being kidnapped for his secret treasure, which the Magician was keen on obtaining.  For her part, Caia shared her mission with the Druid.  He did not know of which she spoke, but suggested they journey to Alcastra the Fairspoken’s tower.  She was an arch magus he explained, but also a Hyperborean, and therefore not to be entirely trusted.  Still, if anyone in the Gal Hills would know of the Teeth, it would be her.  Nodding to themselves, Caia and Brann began planning the next part of their quest.

Campaign » Gal Hills Campaign » 10/31/2017 11:23 am

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Sneaking into the cave, Caia moved like a cat… with pans tied to its tail, alerting the entrance guards to her and Brann’s presence.  Even so, the Fighter made quick work of his slightly groggy opponents, cleaving them into oblivion with his great sword.  Looking at Caia, he grimly looked to the North, where the path plainly laid.
After discovering a storeroom off to the side, the pair found themselves at a closed door.  Listening intently, Caia heard the sounds of revelry: drunken singing and dice games being played.  Bursting in the door, Brann once more hacked and slayed the unsuspecting men, whose only consolation is that they were probably too drunk to feel much pain or fear.
Moving down an Eastern passage, they find a trio of doors.  Hearing nothing to the East, they turned North and listened at that door.  Once again hearing silence, they open the door and are surprised to see a man and a large dog!  A lengthy melee ensued, leaving man and dog dead and Brann with a nasty wound to his side.  Taking a moment to bandage himself up, the companions left the room and headed to the Southern door.
Once again Caia heard nothing, and the door was opened, surprising a small group of bandits cleaning weapons and eating.  Brann charged into the men, easily killing them all.  After a quick search, a small chest was found, and after some prodding, Caia was able to coax it into giving up its belongings… GOLD!  Unfortunately, time was off the essence, so they left the chest where it was to continue looking for the Druid.
After some quick door checking, the pair found themselves back in front of the storeroom, with a tunnel greeting them to the West.  Following the long passage, they pass stalactites before entering a large room filled ankle-deep with stagnant water.  As they searched, a pair of giant spiders leapt upon them!  Caia was wounded, but the beast’s poison held no danger for her.  The fight was hard, as they were in the dark with o

Campaign » Gal Hills Campaign » 10/31/2017 9:53 am

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The week had been a good one; Belltainn celebrations are almost always a good time.  Caia, who had never experienced a Keltic Belltainn, threw herself into the festival whole heartedly.  Brann, being more reserved, spent most of his time drinking, only joining the festivities when Caia could rouse him.  The hour was late, and tomorrow was the annual sacrifice, followed by a great feast!  Everyone in town was excited, and none slept very steadily.  But sleep they did.
As morning breaks, the village is in a panic!  The town was ablaze!  Bandits of some sort had rode into town and committed several acts of arson, leaving chaos in its wake.  After the initial calamity, bucket brigades were formed and, after some hours, what was left of Canibri was salvaged.  After a quick headcount, it is discovered that Taran, the officiating Druid, was not among the living nor the dead.  He must have been kidnapped!
A search party was hastily formed and sent off to look for the Druid, axes and pitchforks in hand.  As Caia and Brann finished equipping themselves to follow, an old woodsman stopped them.  This man, Dughall, was convinced that the mob went in the opposite direction as the bandits!  He implores our heroes to follow him to an old cave he knew of, where he supposes the bandits rode off to.  Furthermore, the bandits had killed Dughall’s only son in the initial raid, and wants revenge!  The companions, seeing the fire in the woodsman’s eyes, decide to follow.
After hours of walking, the cave entrance was in sight.  Horses were tied outside the cave; the old woodsman was right!  Dughall swears under his breath, saying that he’s simply too old to carry on the fight, though he dearly would like to.  Brann comforts the old man as only one who has lost as much could before sending him back to Canibri.  They watch Dughall walk back until he crosses over a distant hill before Caia begins to quietly scout ahead to the mouth of the cave...

Announcements » Second Edition AS&SH Hardbacks Have Arrived! » 10/30/2017 3:09 pm

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Congratulations bat!  Unfortunately lucky number 565 still seems forever away...

Campaign » Gal Hills Campaign » 10/30/2017 3:07 pm

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Thanks for the well wishes!

I ran 3.0 when it first came out and almost immediately realized that it was too crunchy for my tastes, though it didn't stop me from trying anyway.  I swear I never had a group last past third level before having them all die, even though I relied on their Challenge Rating system to see me through.  I finally gave up when I spent an hour and a half designing a NPC for a Pathfinder game.  It was like a never-ending stream of math and causation.  I'd play in one of those games again, but it would take me a lot to try and run one again.

Campaign » Gal Hills Campaign » 10/30/2017 4:28 am

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After owning the AS&SH box set for a few years I’m finally starting a campaign using it.  It’s a little intimidating, as I haven’t run anything in a number of years, but it can’t be harder than 3rd Edition D&D, right?  As I mentioned in another thread, this will be a solo game, mixing the Scarlet Heroes system with AS&SH.  To increase the odds of survival, I’ve decided to run two characters:

Bran Macc Morann, a 1st level Neutral Male Keltic Fighter, whose village was sacked during the recent Winter.  To survive he’s become a mercenary, traveling wherever the winds take him.

Caia, a 1st level Neutral Female Common Legerdemainist, who serves an Ixian Magician in Brigand Bay.  She’s searching the Gal Hills for a reliquary, one of the Teeth of Dahlver-Nar, to bring back to her master.

The two met in Canibri, in the Northern Gal Hills, during the Belltainn Festival.  They’ve become fast friends during the celebration, which is quickly coming to a close.  Tomorrow the Festival Culminates with the annual blood sacrifice, meant to bring good fortune to Canibri for the rest of the year.

Current date: Month VII of the Year of the Wolf, Day 20.  Wish me luck!

Hyperborea » Dolmenwood in Hyperborea » 10/28/2017 2:42 pm

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I've been collecting the Wormskin 'zine since issue 4 or so and am definitely putting pieces of the Dolmnwood in the Northern Gal Hills for my upcoming solo game.  All power to Lord Malbleat!

General Discussion (Off-Topic) » First few albums/cassettes you owned? » 10/28/2017 1:10 pm

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I think the most famous band we got samples for was Rich Kids on LSD.  I was surprised that Epitaph even read our letter, much less actually send anything.

Loves me some 7 Seconds though.  They hold up well, IMO.  Still making music too, if I remember right.

General Discussion (Off-Topic) » First few albums/cassettes you owned? » 10/28/2017 5:25 am

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foxroe wrote:

measuredrums wrote:

... we didn't have a lot of money when I was a kid, so I listened to a lot of radio at the time.

Yep, same here! We'd get packs of 120 minute blank cassettes and record the local rock radio stations. I was such a pirate back then...

When I was in my 20s money pretty much stopped.  A friend and I got around it by starting a punk rock 'zine and got indie labels to send us free music in exchange for reviews.  Some of it was even good!

General Discussion (Off-Topic) » First few albums/cassettes you owned? » 10/23/2017 6:47 am

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Born 1974.

It started with vinyls of Micheal Jackson's Thriller and Weird Al Yankovic's In 3-D.

Then cassettes of the B-52's Mesopotamia and Weird Al Yankovic's Polka Party.

After a while a friend told me I needed to check out Metallica, so I wound up with Master of Puppets and ...And Justice for All.  Somewhere along the way I got a bootleg of Anthrax's I'm the Man single and discovered King Diamond's Them and Conspiracy.  Yeah, it went something like that, I think.

Music » Music in the Background » 10/23/2017 6:40 am

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It's not even remotely related to D&D or AS&SH, but when I ran Werewolf: the Apocalypse we played Rammstein in the background, which added to the urgent, angry nature of the game.  I also used various Punk Rock sampler CDs when I ran CyberGeneration.  Those invoked the rebellious nature of the game, plus they were all dirt cheap.

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