Damned good! The return to more practical effects, miniatures, and location shooting made it feel more real than the prequels, despite some unavoidable CGI work.
I loved that none of the so-called Internet "spoilers" actually mattered. I'm thrilled that Rey turned out to be the real protagonist, the new Luke Skywalker (possibly in a more literal sense). Princess Leia was certainly ahead of her time as a strong female character in 1977, and Padmé to a similar degree in the prequels, but it's about time we get a female Jedi as the central character.
I had only 2.5 complaints:
I appreciate the desire to pay homage to Episode IV, but the plot elements were a little too rehashed: Stormtroopers searching for a droid carrying secret information. Droid discovered by a local with latent Force powers. Heroes escape with droid in Millennium Falcon. Millennium Falcon captured by tractor beam. Cantina sequence. "This was your father's lightsaber." Two-pronged attack to destroy the Death Star / Starkiller Base. Young protagonists witness mentor's death at hands of antagonist.
I'm a pretty smart guy, but I didn't understand the political situation 30 years after the fall of the Empire. The First Order arose from the ashes of the Empire. I get that. What are they? Are they just terrorists at this point, or are they actually conquering systems and reestablishing the Empire? What of the Republic—and who exactly are the Resistance resisting? I would have liked more exposition to fill in those blanks. I also think it would have worked better to follow Episode I's template a bit more. Let us see the New Republic at peace, with a "phantom menace" growing just out of sight and revealing itself in the film. From the first scene, everyone knows Kylo Ren and the First Order, except us.
This is a small one (my 0.5 complaint), but end the film five minutes sooner. Starkiller Base is destroyed, principal villains escape, everyone mourns for Han, Rey says goodbye to Finn and goes off with Chewie to find Luke. Roll credits. The "reveal" at the end felt like a tacked-on cameo. Let Episode VIII open there instead.
Overall, I still loved it. 9 out of 10.