Ghul wrote:
For me, now well into my forties, some Moorcock work does not stand the test of time with me, but other stories I think are excellent. Vance is just off the charts brilliant.
MM's works vary for me, too: I've grown to really appreciate the Cornelius, Erekose, and Von Bek cycles of stories (and I still love much of Elric), but I was never much into Hawkmoon or Corum. Many of MM's non-Eternal Champion books are quite different in style and tone, so if you've not read _Behold the Man_ or _Mother London_ or _The WarHound and the World's Pain_ or _Blood: A Southern Tale_, for example, and have soured on MM's traditional S&S fantasy, I would recommend picking one or more of those up.
I've only read Vance's Planet of Adventure books in the past year or two, and really enjoyed those. Need to ponder what to read next---I've read most of the Dying Earth books already, and the Lyonesse books hadn't spoken to me much when I was younger, but otherwise I've not read much otherwise among Vance works.