Boris Borisovich Godyunov
Ability * Stat * Bonus/Penalty
STR * 10 * -
INT * 11 * 1 Lang. (Eng.)
WIS * 8 * -1
CON * 11 * -
DEX * 11 * -
CHA * 6 * -1
Class: Woodsman
Level: 3 (+1 to hit bonus for level)
XP: 3001
ST: 13
AC: 12
HP: 17
MV: 12
$: 40 silver francs
Abilities: Stealth (DEX), +2 ST vs. Poison, +1 t-h/dmg: wood axe, wilderness survival (CON): self +1, more w/ST, track (WIS),
Gear: Sturdy clothes, leather jack, blanket, utensils, knife, snares, wood axe, 6 furs @ 1d6-2 groats
Atk: Wood axe @ 1d6+1
Boris is your typical Russian serf wood chopper who has seen some messed-up stuff and decided that being chained to *that* particular piece of land was not a long-term survival strategy. Hello, world.
Last edited by Scalydemon (12/21/2014 1:35 pm)
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