Bring back the Ancient Green man celebration (and Sacrifice)...
The green man was chosen from the virile men in the village. They would gain the ability and authorization to have sex with any and as many women in the village (Married, Single, Any, and they would be Willing, as it's an Honor to do so) for a week preceding the final day of the celebration. Then, in the last 24 hours, he is hunted. A May Pole is erected and all the women would chase the Green man in an attempt to capture him, If at the end of 24 hours he is not caught, he is free, but it will not be a good Year coming (bad crops, maybe worse). In the case of Hyperborea, the full celebration could happen every 13 years and represent 13 years of "Bad Seasons". If caught Tie him to the Maypole and do a dance with the "ribbons" (Actually ropes with Ribbons attached), that hang from the top of the pole, that begin to wrap their way down the pole. Once the dance is complete, the green man is immobilized and then they kill him... Thus letting his blood into the ground renewing the earth for the new season.
So in this case, One of the Male characters is told about the celebration, and one of them is chosen. But not told about his impending doom if caught. So once he's "getting Into it" have one or two of the rest of the party overhear what is to come, and then the intrigue and attempt to flee. When the Green Man attempts to leave the village he encounters something like a wall of force that prevents him from leaving, the others do not feel it, nor are they prevented from leaving. Thus the Green man cannot just run far away after the ritual has started, he must stay and be chased for the day at the end. He can attempt to hide (probably won't work) and the others "could" attempt to protect him, but would be overwhelmed by the villagers. And thus starts the real dilemma. Should the party allow the members sacrifice? should they defend him and hope to defeat over 100 villagers (Note, Killing any of the women pursuing him would cause the villagers to attack the party).
Last edited by BlackKnight (8/10/2021 8:17 am)