Ghul wrote:
I could see how it could get lumped in with sci-fi. It's pretty much fantasy, but it has a lot of those "lost alien technology" elements that I enjoy. The Thongor book I have has a cover that features a sort of dragon chasing a spaceship, so it looks sci-fi. Actually, the ship on the cover doesn't look like the ship as described in the book, but it's still a decent concept. I read some of Carter's "Journey to the Center of the Earth" pastiche, and I enjoyed imore than Thongor, who seems to exemplify the big, dumb barbarian stereotype that Conan often gets lumped into, mostly due to Ahhh-nold.
You have to realize that at the time the first few Thongor books appeared (late 1960s):
a) Fantasy as a genre hadn't really come into being fully -- it was always lumped in with science fiction, and
b) Because of the absolutely MASSIVE success of Tolkien, every publisher was scrambling to publish anything that could be considered "fantasy".
Thanks to that, we ended up with everything Edgar Rice Burroughs and Robert E. Howard ever wrote, a magnificent Ballantine Adult Fantasy line, a massive amount of Lovecraft and C. A. Smith, a BUNCH of great old stories from the pulps printed in anthologies that otherwise would have been lost, a BUNCH of new writers that we have now enjoyed for years, and two more things:
1. The converting to "the cause" of fantasy ("sword & sorcery", "high fantasy", "sword & planet", whatever) many, many new young fans, and
2. Unwittingly laying the groundwork for the entire Fantasy Role Playing Game genre. No fantasy boom in publishing, no role playing games.
While Lin Carter's fiction is probably below average, it can be enjoyable and be a good source for ideas. I have a lot and have never regretted buying it, reading it (some more than once), and collecting it.(Thongor, The Green Star, Jandar of Callisto, etc.). There certainly was much worse being published at that time.
Give him a chance, just don't take his fiction too seriously. (And, yeah, his efforts on behalf of the Adult Fantasy series was outstanding!)