Iron Ranger wrote:
Yeah, I'm torn. Theoretically I'm on board with everybody should attempt everything. But most often all the players look at a situation where the BLANK is at the top of the PILLAR with "Let the thief climb up there!"
That's okay, the thief should be better at climbing than everyone else. With my upcoming AS&SH campaign, that's what I'm doing--just pretending the players have maxed out their class skills, as it were, and assigning the task resolution checks accordingly.
Anyway, so far for Rappan Athuk I have Brock's Kimmerian-Kelt berserker, a 1/2-Pict assassin, and under_score's Viking legerdemainist... Still have 3 or 4 players to decide and Brock is smartly advocating for henchmen.
Legerdemanist appears to be a popular class, two people wanted it but the guy playing the assassin switched when under_score got his background together first--though I didn't force him to. The assassin's player even came up with a cool Pictish assassin's guild he was a member of -- the Fangs of Tlakk-Nakka -- that has the brain-gears spinning.