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4/01/2014 5:46 pm  #1

WMLP: Beneath the Ruins

I'm considering placing the megadungeon Beneath the Ruins in Hyperborea. This is published one level per issue in the zine Wizards Mutants Laser Pistols (print only, though the maps for BtR are available online:

Has anyone else read this? Played it? Considered it for Hyperborea?

There are parts I would change, I think, such as making some of the wandering monsters (grays--classic conspiracy-theory aliens, hobgoblins) into more AS&SH appropriate creatures. I was thinking the oon, crab men, ape men, and a couple of others could all have mischief to get up to in such a place. I might change some other aspects, such as time travelers from our time, but then again, maybe not! I'd probably tone down the potential mutations somewhat, too, or tailor them more closely to a Hyperborean feel.

I was thinking it might even be the sort of place one could stumble into from many locations in Hyperborea, not just where I'm putting it first (in the Gal/Xin border).

I'm leaning away from doing something similar with ASE just because our AD&D game is in ASE and its native setting right now.

Anyway, that was my thinking (especially since *someone* is taking his time getting the next North Wind Adventures adventure published! hint hint).


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