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5/20/2016 6:42 pm  #1

13th age<?>

I know next to nothing about this except looks like it is d20.

The game authors are local and running events at a local Con around here next weekend. I think the setting may be sort of cool.

Is it worth my time and expenditure to go hit this?

Thanks, any credible replies will receive a coupon for a voucher for a free upcoming space flight..

I filled my palace with deadly traps so trap admirers will come and visit me

AFS magazine - pulp literature meets old school gaming http://hallsoftizunthane.blogspot.com/

5/22/2016 9:42 am  #2

Re: 13th age<?>

Scaly, it's my least-favorite gaming system. It sort of guarantees player victory by getting rid of player skill. I dunno. If you have to drive past a bar to get there, pull over and drink.


5/22/2016 2:11 pm  #3

Re: 13th age<?>

Never played it, but the same authors gave us 3E and 4E, which I don't really like, so that would probably set my expectations pretty low out of the gate. Never know, though, could be fun.

Blackadder23: Insanely long villain soliloquy, then "Your action?"
BORGO'S PLAYER: I shoot him in the face

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