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11/11/2015 6:39 am  #21

Re: Rats in a Trap (SPOILER)

Thanks Seb, I did turn a small playtest into a small novel.

And great photos, I do enjoy trying to get a good picture of a model in action. https://www.flickr.com/photos/nialldubh/4998846131/in/album-72157629542234298/


11/12/2015 5:55 am  #22

Re: Rats in a Trap (SPOILER)

Playtest!...hopefully we'll get to read about the high adventures of Assiminik, Shara and Haluman again, they're great characters :] Wow, they are great photos, love your minis and the use of stones for rubble and broken pillars. The rows of Chthullu statues flanking the passageway look rather ominous. Thanks for sharing Caveman.


11/12/2015 8:06 am  #23

Re: Rats in a Trap (SPOILER)

Plan to take them on a trip to my new Blackmarch land by ship from Khromarium one day.

Yeah, love my Cthulha statues

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11/14/2015 2:01 pm  #24

Re: Rats in a Trap (SPOILER)

Finally finished reading through this account of Rats in the Walls. That was excellent. Thank you for taking the time to type that up. 

HYPERBOREA- A Role-Playing Game of Swords, Sorcery, and Weird Science-Fantasy

11/15/2015 12:12 pm  #25

Re: Rats in a Trap (SPOILER)

My Pleasure Ghul, glad you enjoyed it. I remember an old T&T story of long ago that influences this story a bit, from Sorcerer Apprentice and how a doomed group of adventurers entered Gristlegrim. Robert Funk, Oscar Kay, Tamara the Small, etc. And how the writer added a small ending of how some wizard wanted to buy the dead body of the Hobbit back and how it added a certain "what going around," not just the delve, but other things in life that will affect the characters. So, was quite glad the Assiminik the Esquimaux had the notion to sway Kilopho to assist in helping his fellow countryman!

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