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8/21/2015 12:06 pm  #1

Turning Undead rejiggering

Damn it, Ghul.

For some reason I had a hankering to redo turning undead, mostly in 1e D&D, but since I will be spinning up an online campaign using ASSH I thought I would scrutinize what you've done.

My initial thoughts were like "Cleric level - Undead HD + some roll" and beat some number. That way you can have like 9HD skeletons and the like. Also, if the undead can paralyze, drain levels, etc. that would "add to the HD" so to speak.

Before I headed off to lunch I did a quick glance at the turn undead table. I started thinking, "well maybe I don't have to do it after all". Then when I got back I looked closer. First at skeletons. "Damn it, Ghul you have a variety of skeleton types." Then at wights and stuff. Things more or less tracked liked I would have speculated I would.

The wights, wraiths, and vampires roughly following that idea of "turning difficulty roughly equal to HD of creature plus some bumps for abilities."

So, damn it, Ghul, you've kept me from crawling down that rabbit hole of rejiggering turning of undead. :-)

Of course, that still doesn't mean I might not do it for 1e. So I'm safe. For now.

What? Me worry?

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