Dodalize (Hyperborean Halfling) Valbus the sorcerer counted out a couple of dozen silver coins and handed them to the short creature.'Now this is a safe crossroads?' the sorcerer inquired.'Oh yes!' replied the sprightly dodalize.'Well then, I bid you farewell and many thanks!'With a nod the small half-man turned his pony back into the small grove.A few moments later a trio of short hooded figures approached, all brandishing knives menacingly.'No!' shouted Valbus. 'You are supposed to be kindly people!''Not all of us,' whispered one of the dodalize.
Dodalize (Hyperborean Halfling)No. Enc.: 1d4 (2d10)Alignment: Chaotic Good (Neutral tendencies)Movement: 90' (30’) (30 in AS&SH)Armor Class: 5Hit Dice: 1+1Attacks: 1 Damage: 1d6or by weaponSave: MU3 (Saving Throw 14 in AS&SH)Size: S (3 ½ feet tall on average)Morale: 7Hoard Class: VIIx2 (Treasure Type L, C, O, Q (x3) in AS&SH)XP: 50
Unlike many other demi-humans in Hyperborea, the Dodalize are, for the most part, dedicated to Good and often act like wee points of Light in a bizarre world. The Hyperborean Halflings are very magically inclined and favor magical classes over even the stealthier classes of thieving. All dodalize, regardless of class, can cast Auditory Glamour and Dancing Lights once per day in addition to any other spells (these do not count against spell total). The dodalize tend to live under knolls and hillocks in small underground communities that are well hidden from the casual observer. While Good by nature the odd Hyperborean Halfling of Lawful or Chaotic Evil outlook is a menace that can appear totally harmless.
As Player Characters in Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea: As little points of Light these beings can be a player option with the following modifications:
Stout: +1 to Constitution, Quick: +1 to Dexterity. Clever: +1 to Intelligence or +1 to WisdomClass: Unlimited advancement as magic-User or any M-U subclass, Level 8 in Thief or Any Thief subclass, Level 7 in any other class or subclass.