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7/17/2014 12:54 pm  #1

The Great Kingdom - a documentary about the beginnings of D&D


This is kickstarting right now. Two days left. It's going to be hard, but not impossible.

I need you guys.

Let me post what I said about it yesterday evening: 

Right now, The Great Kingdom Kickstarter is just shy of $33,000. The goal is $50,000, and we have three days to make it happen. It CAN happen. So share this as much as you can, let's keep on working, keep on boosting the signal.


The Great Kingdom is a feature length documentary that tells the story of the inception of the game, the people and families that built it, the rise of TSR, the growth of role-playing games as a hobby, the explosion and phenomenon these games became. It is the story of our passion, its roots, and the amazing lightning in the bottle that revolutionized our media, our games, and our own imaginations over the years. This is an opportunity. We can make it happen.

Ernest Gary Gygax Jr. and I, Rob Kuntz, John Bobek and so many more are supporting this kickstarter. You want a copy of Sammi-Zowa versus the Dueling Dragons signed by Ernie? You want John Bobek's book "The Games of War", which talks about the wargaming hobby from where our games come from? Plus the movie? Plus our digital offerings? You can get all that, and much more. 

Check it out. Share it on your Facebook wall, share it with your friends, in groups you know, on message boards left and right, on Google Plus, Twitter, Reddit, what-have-you. Let's make this happen!

Thank you.


Last edited by Benoist (7/17/2014 12:55 pm)


7/17/2014 2:40 pm  #2

Re: The Great Kingdom - a documentary about the beginnings of D&D

It looks interesting, and I realize there is so much that goes into a project like this, but at the end of the day it looks like you are paying $50 for a dvd. That is pretty expensive, IMO. I'll pay that for a game or some other like creative project. And I do realize you can get the download for $20. But I think that should be the price of the dvd! Unless, of course, I'm totally off-base here and not unerstanding the pledge levels; if that's the case, please accept my apologies...

HYPERBOREA- A Role-Playing Game of Swords, Sorcery, and Weird Science-Fantasy

7/17/2014 3:24 pm  #3

Re: The Great Kingdom - a documentary about the beginnings of D&D

I'm afraid you get it right! For a $20 pledge you get an HD digital download of the documentary, and for $50 you get the physical BlueRay/DVD.

Last edited by Benoist (7/17/2014 3:24 pm)

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7/17/2014 3:30 pm  #4

Re: The Great Kingdom - a documentary about the beginnings of D&D

Looks like you're up to $40,000 at the moment.  I hope you make it!

Michael Sipe 1979-2018
Rest in peace, brother.

7/17/2014 4:48 pm  #5

Re: The Great Kingdom - a documentary about the beginnings of D&D

Anybody up for some Potato Salad, namely Ernie's mom's own secret recipe, no less?

For a mere $10 on The Great Kingdom kickstarter, you get Mary Jo's Potato Salad recipe! This is the secret Gygax German Potato Salad recipe, fantastically unhealthy with its share of bacon, and tasty with a dash of apple cider vinegar... anything gamers young and old could want at the game table! ;)

And at a $25 pledge level, you get the HD download of the documentary, PLUS the Potato Salad secret recipe! 

     Thread Starter

7/17/2014 8:56 pm  #6

Re: The Great Kingdom - a documentary about the beginnings of D&D

The Greyhawk Grognard interviewed the crew of TGK. See here: greyhawkgrognard.blogspot.ca/2014/07/interview-great-kingdom-filmmakers.html

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7/18/2014 2:38 pm  #7

Re: The Great Kingdom - a documentary about the beginnings of D&D

Hey, looks like you made your goal.  Congratulations!

Last edited by Blackadder23 (7/18/2014 2:39 pm)

Michael Sipe 1979-2018
Rest in peace, brother.

7/18/2014 2:52 pm  #8

Re: The Great Kingdom - a documentary about the beginnings of D&D

Congrats! Benoist, can you tell us about your involvement with this project?

HYPERBOREA- A Role-Playing Game of Swords, Sorcery, and Weird Science-Fantasy

7/18/2014 5:17 pm  #9

Re: The Great Kingdom - a documentary about the beginnings of D&D

Ernie and I supported the kickstarter via GP: one reward level at $150 includes all our GP offerings, including Sammi-Zowa autographed by Ernie, with John Bobek's book on wargaming and the documentary. 

From there, we basically did what we could to spread the word far and wide. Ernie is part of the documentary, interviewed by the crew of course. So is Mary his mom, Elise his sister, and others of course. I did throw a pledge at the Great Kingdom on my own personal behalf as well.

We're very glad the push just made it happen. We all did it together. Thank you very much for your support, one and all!

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