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7/15/2014 8:02 am  #41

Re: Dice!

That looks great, Bill!

HYPERBOREA- A Role-Playing Game of Swords, Sorcery, and Weird Science-Fantasy

7/15/2014 10:35 am  #42

Re: Dice!

Agreed, that looks good, Bill. I'm 80% colorblind according to the Army, so I almost always stick with black and white...

Blackadder23: Insanely long villain soliloquy, then "Your action?"
BORGO'S PLAYER: I shoot him in the face
     Thread Starter

7/15/2014 7:40 pm  #43

Re: Dice!

Good discussion. These are the dice I currently roll with (although mostly 6 siders lately for wargaming.)


Last edited by Scalydemon (7/15/2014 7:43 pm)

I filled my palace with deadly traps so trap admirers will come and visit me

AFS magazine - pulp literature meets old school gaming http://hallsoftizunthane.blogspot.com/

7/15/2014 10:44 pm  #44

Re: Dice!

I spy a tiger eye gamescience d10 in there.


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