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7/11/2014 12:01 pm  #1

One-page AS&SH character sheet

Thought I'd share a simple, one-page character sheet in the style of the old B/X sheets.


You can print double-sided and cut in half for some poor-man's digest sheets.


7/12/2014 1:19 pm  #2

Re: One-page AS&SH character sheet

Pretty nice Merius, you sheet looks especially useful for tracking NPCs and the like.

ravengodgames.blogspot.com ~ cartography, writing, game design
Author, Forgotten Fane of the Coiled Goddess

7/13/2014 7:41 am  #3

Re: One-page AS&SH character sheet

Thanks! I like the simplicity of single page sheets especially for handing out pregens.

     Thread Starter

7/13/2014 12:27 pm  #4

Re: One-page AS&SH character sheet

There's virtue in simple character sheets. This one's well done.


7/15/2014 2:49 pm  #5

Re: One-page AS&SH character sheet



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