Narrhil part turns, trying to look two ways at once, he watches the worm for any signs of it becoming agitated, and readies once more. If the hounds were dead, they had die instantly without warning, creatures of heat, sometimes had vulnerabilities to cold.
He looks to Tillak, "Master Tillak, if you can hear me, prepare!"
The worm watches the opening like you.
Tillak seems motionless.
Shadow still comes. Slowly. Carefully.
As soon as the demon dogs are noticeable, Narrhil will shoot the wand down the crawl-space.
Narrhil only barely senses the movement of a hound before a FIVE FOOT WIDE CONE OF FIRE EXPLODES OUT OF THE CRAWLSPACE IN HIS FACE!
[NARRHIL Roll d20!]
Last edited by Iron Ranger (3/28/2025 9:41 am)
Fire rolls 7! and gets the draw on the wand!
[NARRHIL roll an avoidance save!]
The FIRE blasts through the dome. [6+3+3= 12] [NARRHIL -6 HP!]
The WAND also blasts into the flame through the crawl striking the hound within. [ROLL FOR POTENTIAL DAMAGE]
[Narrhil Morrtos: vs Hell Hound at crawl-way:
Wand of Freezing: #9d4+9= 1 +3 +4 +3 +3 +1 +1 +2 +4 + 9 = 31.
Re-roll 1s 3d4 = 1 +4 +1 = 6
Again: rolls 2d4 = 1 +4 = 5 and again rolls 1d4 = 3.
Total: 28+11 = 39.]
Narrhil steps back from the crawl way at an angle, concentrating on blasting anything that enters the crawl way. He will block the way with the bodies of their dead...
[Move to the side, anything that moves in tunnel gets another cone].
[Just for the Record, Narrhil was trying to Ready]
Ready Shooter: If a shooter enters combat with crossbow cocked, arrow nocked, or wand aimed, he can
discharge it before any other actions are taken, regardless of initiative results. Essentially this is a phase zero action. If more than one side has a ready shooter, the results are simultaneous or determined in order of highest dexterity. After this advanced combat action is executed, the phases of combat ensue as normal with no cost to the participating characters. This manoeuvre is available prior to the first round of combat alone and cannot be performed by surprized shooters. N.B.: Although a crossbowman can walk about the dungeon labyrinths with weapon cocked and loaded, a bowman will ruin his bow in short order if he makes a habit of keeping his bow drawn taut (not to mention how exhausting this can be).
[For sure but : This manoeuvre is available prior to the first round of combat alone . Narrhil already blasted his first blast through the tunnel. This is actually 2nd blast. But still gave simul on it, Ice Lord just came up short.]
[If Narrhill moves to the side he will not be able to see into the crawlspace.]
[If you think, but they turned to stealth which seems to me they had not entered combat, so it resets?
I also expect the whole cellar to be covered in ice, and it hit the far wall and die?
Narrhil moves to the side at an angle, to see crawlspace].
The Cellar v3 | Nialldubh | Flickr
[No, readied wand attack. the hound 1/2 move, attack.(with bonus "ready" wand blast)]
[The cone of cold created by the wand is heat draining air, not ice.]
[The 1st cone hit the wine rack which is right in front of the opening, stopping the cone from entering the room.]
[The 2nd cone went directly into the flame, absorbing half of fire before piercing the crawl.]
[Just so I'm clear for this next bit, Narrhil moves away from the crawlspace opening,(leaving the Worm in direct line of sight), but not so much away that he cannot still see down the length of the shaft? or he wants to clear his body from the opening and only be able to see the opening hole of the crawlspace?]
[Roll INT]
**[I stated this before attack]
As soon as the demon dogs are noticeable, Narrhil will shoot the wand down the crawl-space.
[This to me is readying to attack?]
**[I had no idea wine racks were so solid, I presume they would have gaps between then, and as a 30 feet cone (that spreads to 10 feet wide) it would fill the room with ease? My idea of room (cellar) is 10 feet wide and 20 feet long?].
**[Heat Draining, even better once it fills the room, they loose every molecule of heat, sorted...]
** [The secret passageway (crawlspace) seems to be getting longer and longer, I thought it was filled with a block, is the block meant to be 2x2 by 5 feet long, how was it placed to close the chamber by the now dead priest (is it not heavy?), I presumed to have a clear view of the wine cellar to shoot cone, now it, what? 10 feet crawlspace?]
[Would you not think it was foolish for Narrhil to shoot a solid shelf. Wine rack as much as I know have gaps, perhaps to let the wine air, I not a big fan of such things...]
[He not leaving the worm in direct LOS, he moving out the way as he got 5 hp and does not want to die? As picture shows he can still see crawlspace and will (ready) to shot any hound crawling through it].
Here's how I saw it play out:
"Narrhil prepare, wand in one hand, battle axe in other. If the wand does not work, he will quickly try to stop any hell hound's attack, that squeezes through the opening, by shoving the axe-blade into its face.
Narrhil releases a charge of the wand into the cellar, hoping it not a dud..."
NARRHIL blasts the wand first thing, right away, nothing about seeing hounds.
I draw a picture of the room 10 x 20, the crawl space is 2x2 x5 ' long. (the 2' does looks thinner than it should)(overall scale is not perfect but not too far off.)
I say you can really only see a bunch of bottles on the shelf - blocking the view into the room.
All you can really see is the bottom shelf of dusty green bottles.
NArrhill says he will use the wand anyway.
IT fires= making a cone of cold air from a point at Narrhil's hands to the far wall of the cellar which just happens to be 30 feet away from where Narrhill is crouched.
All noises the hounds were making stop.
Round 2 starts.
Narrhil waits, patently, wand ready, glad it had worked,
Narrhil part turns, trying to look two ways at once, he watches the worm for any signs of it becoming agitated, and readies once more.
As soon as the demon dogs are noticeable, Narrhil will shoot the wand down the crawl-space.
Fireball and Wand go off.
Fire rips across Narhill, Cold rips into the crawlspace....
here we are.
round 3.
--the crawlspace is 2x2x5 ft long. the opening is on the floor so you have to crouch to get or look inside it. There is a block of stone that was attached to some sort of metal mechanism allowing its ease of movement within the crawlspace, it is currently off to the side of the opening.
If narrhil moves away from his crouched position in front of the 2x2 opening, he will no longer have an angle to see down it (and yes the worm will, as it is right behind Narrhil.)
The shelves are not solid they are filled with those dusty green bottles. The one nearest the stairs within wall was destroyed by earlier for firewood.
I think Narrhil overestimates the power of the wand.
[Well this is how I perceive it:
Narrhil runs down stairs to trap Hell Hounds in a small area (opposed to being surround by them and eaten).
Then traps then in a small room, that is by what I know is 10 x 20 feet.
The cold will easy fill this space (as wand 30 ft long cone and 10 feet wide would easily fill the room).
Normal wine rack are easy to see through, and if not you should have took me.
He waited patiently till Hounds are in the room (presuming to be able to see their movement between shelves).
They also attack wolf corpse, which I had place in top corner, so it cannot move on its own.
And cold air (wand called Wand of Freezing for some reason, I presume will form ice?) will fill room covering every space in room, through every gap in wine racks shelves, and kill the Hell Hounds.
Wine Cellar v4 | Nialldubh | Flickr
I think the GM overestimates a 4th-level Cryomancer vs six Hell Hounds...
This is not half-a-dozen demented dachshunds, these are Hell Hounds and my cryomancer is only 4th-level with 11 hp, now 5, at present. Are you trying to end the game, or is it the dice rolls will decide syndrome?
** I can comprehend the wolves, winter wolves, Half-men/Beast-men (Vhuurmis?), the children skeletons, zombies and even a gigantic entity flying over the land dropping ice-globules, but I do not get hell hounds in the near Arctic tundra. You would think they would perish due to being creatures of heat and fire?
I fighting to the death, and I not bother if he dies, but you will not keep a game alive slaughtering the last adventurer because a WM chart said 2-8 Hell Hounds appear, and attack the lone adventurer, that has only 11 hp?
I fear once Narrhil is dead, I would create a 1st-level Cleric, and he walks out the door and must fight a Frost Giant because WM table roll indicated it.
It not balance to a normal fashion, but believe it or not that does not bother me, life is cruel and one cannot compete against 4 billion people pointing nukes at helpless newborns and win. But we keep fighting it, right, because how can we stop? I was determine to fight and win, using tactics and common sense to lure these creature into a well design trap, and with no thought of help from the worm, just kill them before they have a chance.
Still, since this is a game; I would not expect cert Level 1 Cleric (above) to toe to toe with cert Frost Giant, but I do expect it to happen in this game...]
[Not sure the issue, we are almost on same page.
slight difference on being able to "see clearly" through the racks of dusty green bottles and a zone of C. Light and darkness.
Slight difference on area of effect of cone being able to totally "fill" the space. *The Wand of Freezing is a Cone of Cold , doesnt make ice itself (probably would freeze existing water), or bend around corners, or float, or seep. (But I do assume Narrhil waves the wand around as much as the opening will allow for maximum coverage)
As to the other concerns:
-It's Nightfall, the wandering monsters are staying in bed.
-The hounds are not at the church on a whim.
-And they probably will perish if they bother with Narrhil much longer.]
There is silence in the crawlspace.
The Worm watches the hole.
[Well, we continue, but I will consider that new Cleric].
Narrhil readies to use the wand once more, he will not stand directing in front to shaft, but to the side. If a Hell Hound appears in the crawl-way, he will freeze its bones.
Wine Cellar v3a | Nialldubh | Flickr