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2/14/2025 3:42 pm  #1

The Late Trappers Lament & Radiation Grenades (Caveman stay out :D

So, one of the PCs tossed a grenade into room 10, the Hexagonal Map room, in order to take out the cockroaches. Then another managed to close the door with an extraordinary feat oI strength. I'm trying to decide if the grenade will destroy the map, or if it is an indestructible magic map. I already know that the door is going to blow wide open and the character that slammed it shut is going flying.

Does anyone have a suggestion?
Thank you,


2/14/2025 5:00 pm  #2

Re: The Late Trappers Lament & Radiation Grenades (Caveman stay out :D

Confused about where they got a Grenade... 

BlackKnight, AKA Sausage
Older than Dirt. Been playing TTRPGs Since Jan 1976 (49 YEARS!!)...

2/14/2025 5:16 pm  #3

Re: The Late Trappers Lament & Radiation Grenades (Caveman stay out :D

Ha ha the got it in The Brazen Bull from Rats in the Walls.

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2/18/2025 8:03 pm  #4

Re: The Late Trappers Lament & Radiation Grenades (Caveman stay out :D

I would give it an item saving throw in which it requires only, say, a 3 or higher to succeed. If it does fail, I would then say that a portion or half of it is scorched, leaving a tantalizing amount remaining.

HYPERBOREA- A Role-Playing Game of Swords, Sorcery, and Weird Science-Fantasy

2/18/2025 11:13 pm  #5

Re: The Late Trappers Lament & Radiation Grenades (Caveman stay out :D

The magical (super science?) properties of the room should react with the grenade and blow open a gaping hole to the Black Gulf!

Michael Sipe 1979-2018
Rest in peace, brother.

2/19/2025 12:52 pm  #6

Re: The Late Trappers Lament & Radiation Grenades (Caveman stay out :D

Blackadder23 wrote:

The magical (super science?) properties of the room should react with the grenade and blow open a gaping hole to the Black Gulf!

Leave it to BA23. LOL

HYPERBOREA- A Role-Playing Game of Swords, Sorcery, and Weird Science-Fantasy

2/21/2025 9:29 am  #7

Re: The Late Trappers Lament & Radiation Grenades (Caveman stay out :D

Blackadder23 wrote:

The magical (super science?) properties of the room should react with the grenade and blow open a gaping hole to the Black Gulf!

Haha. That would actually solve things. The overall quest is to get the Stygian Stone from The Black Moss-Hag of Lug to the end of the world and yeet it into the black gulf. Of course, they think they can just sail there 

Before I saw the replies I ended up just having the room be destroyed and the map obliterated with the writing by Vikland glowing then fading as the magic was destroyed. They didn't have decipher script anyway.

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3/07/2025 7:21 pm  #8

Re: The Late Trappers Lament & Radiation Grenades (Caveman stay out :D

eakratz wrote:

Before I saw the replies I ended up just having the room be destroyed and the map obliterated with the writing by Vikland glowing then fading as the magic was destroyed. They didn't have decipher script anyway.

Good call. Importantly, did they save the IOUN stone? It’d need a 16 or better to save vs. disintegration


3/07/2025 8:01 pm  #9

Re: The Late Trappers Lament & Radiation Grenades (Caveman stay out :D

They had it on them, but haven’t tried to figure out what it is yet. 

Also, this gem in the temple of Xathaqua 😅

Being curious by nature -- and perhaps a bit foolhardy -- Circe draws a blowgun needle and dabs it into the liquid, stirring it. If nothing happens, she withdraws it and sees if it is flammable. Perhaps the oil in these basins is meant to be lit, and these basins are in fact braziers?”

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3/07/2025 8:40 pm  #10

Re: The Late Trappers Lament & Radiation Grenades (Caveman stay out :D

eakratz wrote:

They had it on them, but haven’t tried to figure out what it is yet. 

Also, this gem in the temple of Xathaqua 😅

Being curious by nature -- and perhaps a bit foolhardy -- Circe draws a blowgun needle and dabs it into the liquid, stirring it. If nothing happens, she withdraws it and sees if it is flammable. Perhaps the oil in these basins is meant to be lit, and these basins are in fact braziers?”

The late James Ward said it best:
"Remember James M. Ward doesn't kill characters, players kill characters."


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