The trio (with someone uncomfortably hefting an extra loaded backpack) moves inside the sphere of permanent light. Unnoticed before in dimmer lights, the floor glistens with the thinnest dampness of water. More than sweating stone but less than a spill or flow.
Narrhil tries to sense if it is warmer down in the cellar.
He doesn't think so.
He ponders whether the heat of the portal, once its is activated could heat the surroundings, then moves to the crawl space to the domed chamber.
Narrhil crawls through into the low domed chamber. The air remains cold, no noticeable shift in temperature here. All is quiet save his companions squeezing in behind him.
Narrhil searches the domed chamber for any resent activity, granted they only had a torchlight to see by the last time they had been in this chamber, but now his spherical light spell was active, he hoped to see more.
[I believe we can still see using the light spell? It might be deep enough?]
Nothing seems different here, but now in this light, you can see that the stone floor is slightly ridged, as if were cut from a single piece of rock by a huge implement.
The shriveled body pulled to the 6ft by 3ft depression (about 8 inches deep) in the stone floor on the far opposite of the secret chute opening.
The 6 green bottles remain in the center where the body was before NArrhil dragged it away, but in this light some dried blood markings can be noted now on the floor there.
A burned out torch from earlier near the entrance. Several of the hastily piled bottles rolled inside the chamber from when the shelves where unpacked for wood.
Due to urgency, Narrhil goes to examine the secret chute entrance first.
Caveman wrote:
Due to urgency, Narrhil goes to examine the secret chute entrance first.
Once Tillak and Keet are through, Narrhil returns to the secret chute opening. On the floor is a discarded torch butt and 4 stoppered glass bottles that have rolled into the chamber from the pile in the cellar.
He then moves to the depression, looking for clues. He searches any remains of priests robes...
[How thick was the secret chute? No etching, hidden runes? I actually went wrong way, so much for urgency, still there maybe something useful].
The robes yield nothing. The dean priests skin is dried from the inside out. You can see he once worn the ring that is on your finger under the blue stain.
The depression is 8" deep. A rectangular space.
Tillak remembers it to be the space from where he emerged from the mountain cave with the mining cart and says so.
The only markings are the floor, made with the blood.
[The secret tunnel chute is 2'x2'x5' long running between the domed chamber and the far corner of the cellar.]
"The priests were hiding the portal, not attempting to use it," states Narrhil out loud, "so we need to find away to activate it. I have the identify spell ; if it is magical, I could learn the process?"
"It's worth a shot, I suppose." Kéet says. "Let me see here." Keêt will examine the markings in blood.
[OOC: Sorry for the absence. Got sick then started new medicine that got me all weird.
Did you guys say we had a bunch of cleric scrolls earlier?]
[Aye, I keep meaning to give these scrolls to Kéet. He has them now!
Scrolls of Cure of Deafness, Scrolls of Poison Neutralization, Scrolls of Healing of the most Critical Wounds, Scrolls of Protection of a Barrier of Blades]
"Problem is Master Kéet, it will take me a day to memories the spell, and take a hundred gold of worth to cast. I was thinking of taking a chunk off that golden melted harp upstairs to fuel it!"
Caveman wrote:
[ Scrolls of Healing of the most Critical Wounds, Scrolls of Protection of a Barrier of Blades]
[Thanks. I'm not sure on the wording of these two. The first one is Cure Critical Wounds? Is the second Blade Barrier?]
[Yes, I presumed it was CCW, L5 spell, and I think other is Blade Barrier, L6 spell].
eakratz wrote:
"It's worth a shot, I suppose." Kéet says. "Let me see here." Keêt will examine the markings in blood.
[OOC: Sorry for the absence. Got sick then started new medicine that got me all weird.
Did you guys say we had a bunch of cleric scrolls earlier?]
The screams have stilled
The ink is spilled
the door held closed
for that which hangs in the air unseen
[So, it is writing, the blood marks?]
Caveman wrote:
[So, it is writing, the blood marks?]
yes, but it is not easy for KEet to make out
and it is a stretch.