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1/01/2025 9:56 am  #7721

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

[lol, yes comprehend.] 

Narrhil takes the torch from Tillak and passes through to the otherside of the globe of light to stand with Kéet.


1/01/2025 2:00 pm  #7722

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Caveman wrote:

[lol, yes comprehend.] 

Narrhil takes the torch from Tillak and passes through to the otherside of the globe of light to stand with Kéet.

Votin would follow Narrhil.

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1/01/2025 3:44 pm  #7723

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

"How are Master Kéet; the gods can play trick on a mind!" Says Narrhil, "for how else can they amuse themselves!" 


1/01/2025 5:47 pm  #7724

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Keét smiles, grips his axe, then descends into the cellar.


1/01/2025 6:34 pm  #7725

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Keet 's shadow dances in front of him, Narrhil's torchlight behind him as he reaches the cellar below. Ahead, the light dome of Narrhil's doing bisects the small room.

The noise has ceased.

     Thread Starter

1/02/2025 3:54 am  #7726

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Narrhil allows Votin to follow as he lights their way down the darkside of the stairway.


1/02/2025 10:13 am  #7727

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Votin would bid Narrhil farewell, then would descend into the darkness. 

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1/02/2025 10:37 am  #7728

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Narrhil follows to light their way.


1/02/2025 10:56 am  #7729

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Tillak finds himself alone in the dark.

     Thread Starter

1/03/2025 11:52 am  #7730

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Iron Ranger wrote:

Tillak finds himself alone in the dark.

Tillak follows.

  • “Moonglum licked his long lips. 'So it’s sorcery again. In truth, Elric, this whole country is beginning to stink of wizardry and the minions of hell.' Elric murmured for his friend’s ears: 'No hell-beings these—but honest elementals, equally powerful in many ways.'"

Yesterday 7:38 pm  #7731

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

They stand before the glow sphere.

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