I have started a new (and typically insane) endeavor as a followup to my previous projects Waifs of the Boreas and Bi-Ethnic Characters of Hyperborea (both mentioned elsewhere on this forum). I'm going to produce 12 male and 12 female race kits, usable with Waifs of the Boreas, for every possible unique combination of the 21 interfertile human races of Hyperborea. I have already completed a 40 page document for all of the possible Amazon crosses (Amazon - Anglo-Saxon, Amazon - Carolingian Frank, etc.):
These race kits are not going to exactly conform with the procedures given in Bi-Ethnic Characters; far fewer of the crosses are going to yield "common" men (since I have to roll up all of the crosses anyway, I might as well tailor them a little more carefully to the appearances of the parent races). For example, among the Amazon crosses, only Amazon-Common yields a purely "common" offspring. Another quirk is that Amazon crosses with tall races yield tall women, but crosses with short races yield short men. And a few other little surprises.
My goal is to finish one set of crosses a month initially. Since I'm lazy (no, really) and not a complete glutton for punishment, I'm going to repeat the non-unique race kits (i.e., Anglo-Saxon - Amazon will be exactly the same as Amazon - Anglo-Saxon), so the number of new ones needed will dwindle with each successive race. The Yakuts won't need any new ones at all! But that's a long way away... Meanwhile, enjoy!
I don't know about you, but even conceiving of such an endeavor qualifies as unlazy. Thank you!
rhialto wrote:
I don't know about you, but even conceiving of such an endeavor qualifies as unlazy. Thank you!
Not to worry. It's just going to be around 5000 unique race kits.
Ho ho ho! Here are the Anglo-Saxon crosses:
Thanks again, and cheers!
This project sounds great. Love it.
Here are the common crosses. Common names are pretty wacky anyway, so some of the hybrid names are hilarious.
Last edited by Blackadder23 (1/22/2024 12:38 pm)
Thanks once again! Now the search for hilarity commences...
Just wanted to mention this is on hold for the time being. I'm editing one of the upcoming adventures.
Blackadder23 wrote:
Just wanted to mention this is on hold for the time being. I'm editing one of the upcoming adventures.
Excuses, excuses, excuses.
I finally had time to continue these with the Esquimaux crosses:
These are a little different from the first four releases, each of which contained many race kits which fell into the range of "common" men. Due to all having complexions outside of the range of "common" men, there is not a single race kit in this release that falls into that range. Yet there are many that might yield "common" men in another generation, which supports my opinion (expressed in another thread) that certain anomalous features of "common" men may be explained by a fair portion of Esquimaux ancestry a couple of generations back. That in turn suggests some ways to occasionally add flavor to "common" men and differentiate them from run of the mill "European" types - epicanthic folds, broad noses, sallow undertone to the complexion, etc.
Last edited by Blackadder23 (8/26/2024 11:22 am)
I should be able to update the free download at to reflect these changes.
I don't think I changed anything relevant to the original download?
Although I might eventually create a refinement of it based on lessons learned from doing these race kits.
Last edited by Blackadder23 (8/26/2024 4:54 pm)
Blackadder23 wrote:
I don't think I changed anything relevant to the original download?
Although I might eventually create a refinement of it based on lessons learned from doing these race kits.
OK, let me know and we can piece that together.
Here are the Esquimaux-Ixian crosses:
Unlike with the Esquimaux crosses, there are quite a few (olive-complexioned) "common" men here, and many more who will join the ranks of "common" men in the next generation. It might be interesting to occasionally have "common" men with such Esquimaux-Ixian traits as square jaws and narrow eyes. Additionally, this means that not only does a certain percentage of "common" men have Esquimaux grandparents (as I previously theorized), some have Ixian grandparents! All of this is just a way of pointing out that "common" men can display more variety than being treated as Europeans or pseudo-Europeans.
Last edited by Blackadder23 (9/23/2024 10:31 am)
Here are the Greek crosses:
As expected, lots of "common" men here, and many more who will be in the next generation. Much of Hyperborea has an Hellenic basis, so nothing too strange here. The next ones will be the strange ones...
Last edited by Blackadder23 (10/22/2024 5:06 pm)
Just in time for the new year, here are the Ixian crosses:
As befits this strange sorcerous race, all of the offspring are tall and dusky-skinned, regardless of their other parentage. Due to this inevitable complexion, none of these race kits quite fall into the range of "common" men. However, many may join those ranks in the next generation, meaning that "common" man in the tavern may have Ixian grandparents! Maybe he has some strange inherited item that could serve as an adventure seed?
Last edited by Blackadder23 (12/31/2024 10:33 am)
Blackadder23 wrote:
Just in time for the new year, here are the Ixian crosses:
As befits this strange sorcerous race, all of the offspring are tall and dusky-skinned, regardless of their other parentage. Due to this inevitable complexion, none of these race kits quite fall into the range of "common" men. However, many may join those ranks in the next generation, meaning that "common" man in the tavern may have Ixian grandparents! Maybe he has some strange inherited item that could serve as an adventure seed?
Excellent. These are super fun!