Gall Hills and Plateau of Xin:
This is an unofficial section of the Hyperborea map, posted with permission by Jeff Talanian.
Well, blame Gizmo as he started the "cause and effect," and here is the consequences.
I cut the map in half and into four quarters; for those whose computers cannot cope with such a large maps.
Gal and Xin: | Flickr
I took my time with this one, and it slightly smaller than the Khromarium map. I I been doing it on and off for three and a half months. Last time it drained me.
@Iron Ranger: Note: Scorched Sanctuary in bottom left of map (or better still: Lake Novo map, as it smaller and easier to use).
The reason I enjoy these two areas I recreated; is that they flank my Blackmarsh region, and they obviously connected with it and it feels like I can walk from one to the other. I actually working at the east side of Khromarium so it looks like it moves into Blackmarsh at present (again, I move slowly)
Well, enjoy this vast expanse.
Awesome, thanks for sharing!
Great work.
I'm glad you took your time with this.
No reason to burn yourself out. :-)
Indeed, I naught as fit as I use to be!
Love these!