Rex wrote:
Hello Everyone! I am Rex, started playing Hyperborea with 2e in a pbp game on the It has since transitioned to 3e and is still going. Backed 3e and started playing with my in person group. I have been lurking here for a while but joined to post on the reference sheets thread, but will probably post on occasion now that I have an account.
Welcome sir!
(I’ve heard that game on the US is pretty awesome.)
I think you’re gonna feel right at home around here, my friend.
Thanks Big Shiny!
It is an excellent game.
Hey Rex, I recognize that website and that user name :D
Welcome aboard, Rex!
Thanks rredmond and Ghul!
Hi there, been hearing good things about this game, so I bought the 3E set. Also the PDF's. I have my group excited to play it, should ship today.
QUESTION: Is there a GM screen out for 3ed Ed yet? Thanks
Welcome to the fora! There is no official 3e screen from North Wind Adventures just yet, but the 2e one should suffice (I think the biggest difference is the Combat sequence: 1e/2e used phased rounds, 3e doesn't). You should also grab the free PDFs here (the 3e Ready Ref sheets in particular).
Hey Milo!
Welcome Milo.
I use the 2E screen with no problems.
I have been playing and running Hyperborea 3E since January 2023. Excellent game for anyone new but particularly if you came from 1 and 2E Ad&d, it is a joy!