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11/10/2024 4:30 pm  #1

Hyperborean Coin War

During their Desert Dunes adventure. My players picked up some ancient coins in Cape Valencia. 
From the shrine of Apollo. Now one of my players is a Paladin of Apollo. Upon returning to Khromarium he tithed them to the temple. But kept some. One idea my players came up with was to use the coins especially when they do good deeds like giving alms to the poor.  His NPC girlfriend, the Paladin of Artemis (Andromeda from the pre-generated PCs supplement) said she was jealous that she didn't have silver coins of Artemis to do that as well. To which the players were like,: "Then why don't you just start making them? In fact, why don't we start making more modern coins of Apollo?" 
So my question is, have I started some sort of religious hullabaloo? 
Are there clerics of Xathoqqua that will get irate at this? Do they control the minting of coins exclusively?  Is their religion as lazy as their god? Will they let it slide? Or will brawls and clashes start occurring? If they play the Thousand Eyes of Thaumagorga and recover even more coins, the statue, and especially the Sacred Flame. What could happen if they move that to Khromarium? To the Temple. Or was there some lighthouse in the bay? Or if they go crazy and build the tallest tower in town? What do you all think?


11/11/2024 6:07 pm  #2

Re: Hyperborean Coin War

Because Khromarium is such a melting pot of races and cultures, there will be many coins from many foreign mints floating around. The important thing is usually the purity of the metals and the weight of the coins. If those criteria are met, it's not likely that many would notice in a city of 30,000 to 40,000 people. Their own mint, which would feature Xathoqqua and maybe some of the oligarchs, would be the most commonly seen coin, regardless of other mints showing up. But I think if Apollo zealots are seeking to outshine Xathoqqua followers, there could indeed be trouble. I would think that Xathoqquans would seek to destroy the sacred flame if they knew about it -- but that sort of thing is up to you. I would say that if you players are looking to stir up something, let them do it and then deal with whatever repercussions you think should come their way as a result of it. It sounds like a fun campaign!

HYPERBOREA- A Role-Playing Game of Swords, Sorcery, and Weird Science-Fantasy

11/13/2024 10:34 am  #3

Re: Hyperborean Coin War

I have another question. My players didn't kill the Hyperborean king in the Desert Dunes adventure. Since awakening, he has rebuilt his old tower in the destroyed coastal city. Planning on rebuilding the rest of his kingdom. Possibly using the green diamond mines as a source of income. He's partial to the PCs cause they freed him and might need them to transport those diamonds for sale in Khromarium. But there's already some contention because he's pro-slavery. Seeing as he's old school Hyperborean who still sees the races of man as inferior. Am I correct in using that interpretation?  

     Thread Starter

11/13/2024 10:38 am  #4

Re: Hyperborean Coin War

I would say there is no "incorrect" interpretation.

You game, your arc.

What? Me worry?

11/13/2024 11:08 am  #5

Re: Hyperborean Coin War

Yeah, you're right. Maybe I should have said is that an interesting direction. And if there are other ideas I could use.

     Thread Starter

11/13/2024 11:26 am  #6

Re: Hyperborean Coin War

If you're asking if the Hyperboreans practiced slavery when they had political power, they definitely did according to the Referee's Manual ("Along the way they noted the advent of terrible beasts and monsters, as well as the infiltration of savages; these latter were paid no more heed than apes or dogs to be slaughtered or enslaved as whims dictated."). Whether a specific Hyperborean king would be interested in perpetuating the institution if restored to life and power is your call. I guess it depends if you and your players are interested in delving into what can be a distasteful subject.

Michael Sipe 1979-2018
Rest in peace, brother.

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