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Today 7:59 am  #7361

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Votin, Keet, and Narrhil feel an odd compulsion toward the north trees. It feels like a physical pull. Magnetic?
Tillak turns back wondering why they aren't following him.
It's Keet that takes the first step. Then Narrhil. Finally even the struggling barbarian succumbs.


Today 9:08 am  #7362

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

"I must go, it compels me," whispers Narrhil to himself.


Today 10:56 am  #7363

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Caveman wrote:

"I must go, it compels me," whispers Narrhil to himself.

Narrhil knows he should not.

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Today 2:57 pm  #7364

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

“Come on guys, this place looks awesome,” Keet waves the others to come with him.

It is immortality of a sort.

Today 4:38 pm  #7365

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Feeling that this is somehow wrong Votin tries his best to resist the call.


Today 5:17 pm  #7366

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

Iron Ranger wrote:

Caveman wrote:

"I must go, it compels me," whispers Narrhil to himself.

Narrhil knows he should not.

"But I not want to go, Master Tillak beware, strange forces at work!"


Today 7:19 pm  #7367

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

eakratz wrote:

“Come on guys, this place looks awesome,” Keet waves the others to come with him.

Keet moves through the snowed over clearing toward the north trees.

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Today 7:24 pm  #7368

Re: The Scorched Sanctuary

bald_headed_yeti wrote:

Feeling that this is somehow wrong Votin tries his best to resist the call.

[VOTIN save vs Sorcery. Use every modifier and willpower adjustment you've got...]

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